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例句 I can't string along with you in this matter.在这件事上我不能同意你。It's a case of not what you know but who you know in this world today and qualifications quite go by the board.在当今这个世界,重要的不是你知道什么而是你认识谁,能力才干根本派不上用场。Food in this country is getting very expensive.这个国家的食物变得很昂贵。He set a new land speed record in this car.他开这辆车创了陆地行驶速度的新纪录。The exercises in this chapter can guide you, but it will be up to you to do the actual work.这一章的练习可以给你一些指导,但是真正的工作还是要由你来做。Squid is a delicacy in this part of Italy.在意大利的这个地区,鱿鱼是一种美食。The latest popular actress is featured in this new film.这位最近走红的女演员在这部新影片中主演重要角色。You have to move around a lot in this job.干这份工作,你得到处奔波。 You won't find much culture in this sleepy little town, I'm afraid!在这座死气沉沉的小镇里,恐怕你不会发现多少文化底蕴!The mark of a man's shoe is clearly printed in this mud.泥土上清楚地留有一个男子的鞋印。The sentence imposed in this case demonstrates the seriousness of environmental crimes.对该案的判决体现出破坏环境罪行的严重性。The police do not suspect murder in this case.警方认为在这起案件中不涉嫌谋杀。Windmills are a common sight in this part of the country.风车是该国这一地区的常见景观。I'm suffocating in this job. 这份工作令我很憋闷。The assistance of a squire was much needed in this case.这个案子很需要律师的协助。My mother will fly in this evening.我母亲今晚将飞抵这里。There is soundness in this advice.这一建议有明智之处。The government's actions in this case could have major political ramifications.在这种情况下,政府的行动可能会产生重大政治影响。You must be flexible and open to suggestions in this job.做这个工作,你必须灵活变通,而且要愿意听取别人的意见。Police claim to have found the gun used in this morning's robbery of a downtown convenience store.警方称他们已经找到今早在市中心一家便利店里发生的抢劫案所使用的枪。There are many famous sculptures in this city.这座城市里有许多著名的雕像。Please refrain from smoking in this area.请勿在此处吸烟。We cannot ignore the misery of the people in this country who are forced to live on the streets.我们不能漠视这个国家里那些被迫流落街头的人们悲惨的生活。Experts wonder why the US government is not taking similarly strong actions against AIDS in this country.专家们对为什么美国政府没在这个国家采取类似的强硬措施来对抗艾滋病而感到疑惑。The education system in this country has gone to hell in a handbasket.这个国家的教育体系已经山穷水尽。It's because you didn't listen to Roger that you are in this trouble now.因为你不肯听罗杰的话,所以才惹下了现在的麻烦。There's not much light in this room, is there?这房间光线不够亮,是吗?Spain are fielding a three-man team in this race.西班牙将派一支男子三人队参加这项比赛。We look forward to the day when there will be peace once more in this troubled land.我们期盼着和平重新回到这片动乱的土地上的那一天。The committee has begun taking sworn statements from people involved in this matter.委员会已开始记录参与此事相关人员的供述。I regard the matter in this light.我以这样的观点看待这件事。What on earth have you got in this bag, Elaine? It weighs a ton!伊莱恩,你这个包里装的到底是什么?沉死了!You can wait till Doomsday to be served in this place.在这个地方你即使等到世界末日也不会有人来招待你。Three-quarters of the people in this row have mice.这条街上四分之三的人家有老鼠。I have sown the millet in this plot.我在这块土地上已播了谷子。We love performing in this room because of its great acoustics.我们喜欢在这个房间里演奏,因为它的音响效果很棒。His art is little known in this country.他的艺术作品在这个国家鲜为人知。He told the party conference he would hold a referendum in this parliament.他在政党会议中宣布自己将在这届议会举行公民选举。The only person who makes rules in this house is me.这座房子里就我说了算。Natalie is, without a doubt, the star student in this year's ballet class.毫无疑问,纳塔莉是今年芭蕾班中最出色的学员。




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