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There's not much in the way of entertainment in this town - just the cinema and a couple of pubs.这个城镇没多少娱乐活动——也就是这家影院和几家酒馆。The administration, after some waffling, has now said that it will not stand in the way of Congress.政府一番犹豫后,表示不会阻碍国会。We won't let anything stand in the way of progress!我们不会让进展受到任何阻碍的!We cannot allow dogmatism to stand in the way of progress.我们不允许教条主义阻碍进步。Best not to let business get in the way of pleasure.最好别让工作妨碍了玩乐。We won't let anyone or anything stand in the way of our happiness. 我们不会让任何人或任何事妨碍我们的幸福。You can do things for your health in the way of diet, exercise, good lifestyle, not smoking and so on.保持身体健康有多种办法,包括注意饮食、做运动、有良好的生活习惯、不抽烟等等。What is there in the way of tools?有什么工具吗?He put me in the way of a good investment.他使我有良好的投资机会。How much money has she received in the way of campaign contributions?她获得了多少竞选捐款?I don't have much in the way of food, so you'll have to take pot luck, I'm afraid.我这儿可吃的不多,所以恐怕你只能有什么吃什么了。We have a small stock in the way of hats.本店有少量帽子存货。 You can't stand in the way of progress.你无法阻止前进的步伐。Your social life must not get in the way of your studies.你不能让社交生活影响学业。We must not allow reaction to stand in the way of progress.我们一定不能让保守主义成为前进道路上的绊脚石。There is much to see in the way of castles, curiosities, and museums.可以看到很多城堡、奇珍异品和博物馆。His parents offered him little in the way of emotional support. 他的父母在情感上几乎没有关心过他。Still, the administration, after some waffling, has now said that it will not stand in the way of Congress.政府犹豫再三后,还是表示不会阻止国会。I was putting obstacles in the way of my own recovery.我正给自己的康复之路设置障碍。Inever let unimportant details get in the way of a good plan.我从来不让细枝末节妨碍一个好计划。Let's do it in the way of business.这件事我们还是按做生意的老规矩办吧。He put me in the way of a job.他帮我谋得一份工作。Keep your valuables locked away so as not to put temptation in the way of thieves.锁好你的贵重物品,免得招贼。Latvia is a country without much in the way of natural resources.拉脱维亚并不是一个自然资源丰富的国家。These regulations would place barriers in the way of genetic research.这些规定会为遗传学的研究设置障碍。Don't let your social life get in the way of your education.不要让社交生活影响你的学业。My school did nothing whatsoever in the way of athletics.我们学校在体育方面无所作为。He doesn't have much in the way of education.他没有受过多少教育。Tradition shouldn't stand in the way of progress.传统不应该阻碍进步。A kind friend put him in the way of earning a living.一位好心的朋友给他找了一份谋生的差使。 Big business will never let petty nationalism get in the way of a good deal.大企业永远不会让狭隘的民族主义妨碍它们做大好的买卖。What have we in the way of food?我们有什么吃的东西?He was ready to plough down everything that stood in the way of his goal.他准备排除一切前进道路上的障碍。Several pitfalls remain in the way of an agreement.在达成协议的进程中还有几个隐藏的困难。She had a job which never got in the way of her leisure interests.她有一份从来不会影响她的业余爱好的工作。She was ready to plough down everything that stood in the way of her goal.她准备排除一切前进道路上的障碍。The British government would not stand in the way of such a proposal.英国政府不会阻止这样一项提议。There are a number of obstacles in the way of a lasting peace settlement.要达成持久的和平协议,存在一些阻碍。Tiredness was the biggest obstacle in the way of their attempt to rescue the climbers.疲劳是他们试图营救登山者的最大障碍。Meetings held today produced little in the way of an agreement.今天举行的会议没有达成什么协议。 |