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词汇 挤进
例句 Hundreds of onlookers crushed into the narrow alleys.数百名旁观者挤进狭窄的小巷。Thousands of people were sardined into the theatre.戏院里挤进了好几千人。Thousands packed into the stadium to watch the final.数千人挤进体育场观看决赛。We squeezed under the wire and into the garden.我们从金属丝网下挤进了花园。He managed to squash into the car.他设法挤进了车子。We all squeezed into the elevator.我们全都挤进了电梯里。I grabbed my notebook and together with three fellow journalists bundled into an old taxi.我抓起笔记本,然后和三位记者同事挤进了一辆旧出租车。Scores of people tried desperately to gatecrash the party.很多不速之客拼命想要挤进这个聚会。Everyone piled on the bus.大家都挤进了大客车。We crammed into my car and set off.我们挤进我的车子出发了。The bus was already full but someone opened the doors and another passenger squeezed in.公共汽车已经客满,可是有人开了车门,又挤进了一个乘客。We all packed into the car.我们都挤进了那辆车。The boy contorted his body to squeeze through the gate.男孩扭曲着身子挤进门去。Police waded into the crowd.警察艰难地挤进了人群。Friends and admirers crammed the chapel at the small Los Angeles cemetery where Monroe is buried.朋友和仰慕者们挤进安葬梦露的洛杉矶小公墓的教堂里。It'll be a squeeze but I think we can get everyone into Stephen's car.需要挤一挤,但我认为我们能让每个人都挤进斯蒂芬的车。He managed to get in on the deal.他设法挤进了这项交易。Hundreds of men, women and children crowded into the building.数百名男人、女人和孩子挤进了这幢建筑物。Between two and three thousand refugees were crammed into the church buildings.有两三千难民挤进教堂内。We all bundled into the car.我们都挤进了车里。During the day the off-duty men would pack into a recreation room.白天,不值班的士兵常会挤进娱乐室。A large crowd of reporters was crammed/packed like sardines into a small room.一大群记者像沙丁鱼一样挤进了一个小房间。Customers swarmed into the store.顾客蜂涌著挤进商店。The audience pressed into the theatre.观众挤进了剧院。Thousands of refugees were crammed into the church buildings.数千难民挤进了教堂。They piled into my car.他们挤进我的车。I wedged myself into the car's back seat.挤进了小汽车的后座。Six of us bundled into a taxi.我们六个人挤进了一辆出租车。We all squeezed into Ralph's small two-man tent.我们都挤进了拉尔夫那小小的双人帐篷里。They all piled into his car.他们全都挤进了他的车里。At intermission everyone crowded into the lobby.幕间休息时大家都挤进剧院休息室。We all got into the old truck and crawled the streets of the city looking for him.我们全都挤进了这辆旧卡车,然后在城市街道上缓慢行驶,到处找他。I had to cram myself into a packed tube carriage.我不得不挤进拥挤的地铁车厢。It all looked a bit of a squash as they squeezed inside the small hatchback.他们挤进小小的掀背式两厢汽车,四下显得有点拥挤。His massive family wedged into a small car for vacation.他的一大家子人挤进一辆小汽车前去度假。She elbows her way into the best circles.她设法挤进了上层社会的圈子。Many break-ins are carried out by youngsters who can squeeze through tiny windows.很多入室盗窃案都是可以从狭小窗户挤进挤出的年轻人干的。We all crammed into one car.我们全都挤进了一辆车里。One group of journalists were crowded into a minibus.一群记者挤进一辆小型公共汽车。Seven of us squashed into the car.我们七个挤进了汽车。




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