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词汇 挥手
例句 She waved away my offer of a cigarette.挥手拒绝了我敬她的烟。 They waved at us as we drove by.我们驱车经过时,他们朝我们挥手The customs officer at the border waved us through.边境的海关官员挥手叫我们通过。He was waving his arms to draw their attention.他正挥手以引起他们的注意。As the helicopter flew overhead, they waved frantically, trying to attract its attention.当直升机从他们头顶飞过时,他们拼命挥手,想要引起它的注意。She looked back and saw her mother waving her off from the kitchen door.她回头望去,看到她母亲在厨房门口挥手与她告别。He gave me a big smile and a wave.他冲我灿烂地微笑并挥了挥手She waved her hand towards the window.她朝着窗户挥手Jack walked away with a wave.杰克挥了挥手就走了。Henry waved but Martha pretended not to notice.亨利挥了挥手,可玛莎装着没看见。With a wave, she forked left and was gone.她挥了挥手,在岔路口往左转弯走了。He smiled and waved when he saw me.他看见我时微笑着向我挥手She gave me a weak smile and a little wave.她朝我微微一笑,并轻轻挥了挥手She gave a dismissive wave of her hand.她不屑地挥了挥手Enid waved at us and we waved back.伊妮德向我们挥手,我们也向她挥手A man waved down at me from the deck.一个人从甲板上向下朝我挥手I was carried upstairs, arms waving and legs kicking.我就这样又是挥手又是踢腿地被带上了楼。He waved at us with his free hand.他用那只空着的手朝我们挥手He brushed by with a perfunctory wave to the crowd.他擦身而过,朝人群敷衍地挥了挥手The emperor waved to the crowd from the palace balcony.皇帝在皇宫的阳台上向人群挥手They called to us from shore, waving their arms dramatically. 他们一边从岸上朝我们大喊,一边使劲朝我们挥手She turned and saw her daughter still waving to her.她回过身来,看见女儿还在向她挥手A wave of the hand and, hey presto, it's gone!挥手,转眼间它就不见了!The traffic police flagged the passing car down.交通警察挥手命令那辆经过的汽车停下。Say/Wave bye-bye, darling: it's time to go home.说再见吧/挥手道个别吧,宝贝儿,咱该回家了。He waved towards a chair, and seated himself at the desk.挥手指了指一把椅子,自己在书桌旁坐了下来。With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit vanish.魔术师一挥手兔子便不见了。At the sentry gate, they were waved through.在设岗的大门口,哨兵挥手让他们通过。 The officer waved his men to advance.军官挥手令士兵前进。 She felt sad as she waved goodbye.挥手道别,心里感到很难过。Karen waved until the car was out of sight.卡伦不断挥手,直到汽车看不见了。He waved the servant out of his room.挥手叫仆人离开房间。We could hear them on the shore crying out to us, so we waved.我们能听见他们在岸上向我们大声叫,于是我们挥了挥手I waved at her, and got the bird back.我向她挥手,她却向我竖中指。She waved them off, then went slowly back inside.挥手送别他们,然后慢慢回到屋里。When he looked towards me, I smiled and waved.他朝我看过来的时候,我微笑着挥了挥手He made a neat chopping motion with his hand.挥手做了一个干净利落的劈砍的动作。She stood at the gate and waved her children off to school.她站在门口,挥手与要去上学的孩子们告别。She sent them away with an imperious wave of the hand.她傲慢地挥了挥手,把他们打发走了。Peter waved his hand towards the house.彼得朝着房子那边挥了挥手




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