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词汇 in the press
例句 She was misrepresented in the press as a militant.她被报界不符合事实地说成是一个激进分子。She was rapped over the knuckles by her boss for criticizing the company in the press.她因为在报刊上批评公司而受到了老板的斥责。I believe they've doubled their turnover since those advertisements appeared in the press.我相信,那些广告在报上刊登出来后,他们的营业额已经翻番。His views were widely reported in the press.他的观点被新闻界广泛报道。This did not win him many kudos in the press.这并没有使他获得报刊太多的颂扬。As election day neared, reports of new scandals began to appear in the press.随着选举日期的临近,有关新的丑闻的报道开始见诸报端。The show has good audience figures despite poor reviews in the press.虽然新闻界对这个节目评价不高,但观众很多。Johnson was vilified in the press for refusing to resign.约翰逊因为拒绝辞职在报刊上遭到诋毁。Her supporters say she is being unfairly maligned in the press.她的支持者说她受到了媒体的恶意中伤。The secret leaked out and produced some scary headlines in the press.秘密捅了出去,在报纸上成为耸人听闻的头条新闻。The power of red wine to counteract high cholesterol has been ballyhooed in the press.红酒降低胆固醇的功效被媒体夸大了。There have been allegations in the press that the fire was started deliberately.报界中有说法称这次火灾是蓄意所为。Anti-government demonstrations do occur, but they are seldom, if ever, reported in the press.反政府示威游行确实会发生,但新闻界难得报道。They put a notice in the press ordering the recall of all the baby food that might have been contaminated.他们在报上登了一则通知,下令收回所有可能受到污染的婴儿食物。The President answered questions from journalists in the press pool.总统回答了记者群中部分记者的提问。He was furious about the bad publicity his party was reaping in the press.对于他的政党正从报界得到的贬评,他大为震怒。Bank robberies, burglaries and muggings are reported almost daily in the press.报纸上几乎每天都有抢劫银行、入室行窃和拦路抢劫的报道。Editorial comment in the press tended to support the government in this matter.在这一问题上,报界的社论倾向于支持政府一方。Reports of official graft and profiteering were blacked out in the press.有关官吏贪污受贿和牟取暴利的报道被禁止在报上发表。She has repeatedly tried to defend her husband against hostile criticism in the press.她一再试图对报界恶意的批评为丈夫作辩护。Smith bridled at anonymous criticism in the press.史密斯对新闻界来源不明的批评大为气恼。People complain about the filth on TV and in the press.人们抱怨电视上和报刊中充斥着肮脏淫秽的东西。Bank robberies, burglaries, and muggings are reported daily in the press.每天都有媒体报道银行劫案、入室盗窃和拦路抢劫。Her ordeal was tastelessly handled in the press.她的痛苦经历被媒体说得很难堪。Both candidates are getting a lot of exposure in the press.双方候选人都在媒体上得到了很多宣传。He got reamed in the press for his comments.他的评论遭到了新闻界人士的痛批。He claims he has been libeled in the press.他声称报纸对他造谣中伤。The minister's provocative remarks were widely reported in the press.部长的煽动性言论在新闻界广为报道。They were gibbeted in the press.他们在报纸上受到公开嘲弄。He was portrayed in the press as a gold digger and adventurer.报纸把他描述成一个淘金者和投机分子。The story has so far received little play in the press. 到目前为止,这个故事很少受到新闻界的关注。The exhibition received little attention in the press.展览几乎没有得到媒体的关注。Intimates of the star say that he has been upset by the personal attacks on him that have appeared in the press recently.这位明星的密友们说他最近正为报纸上出现的对他的人身攻击感到苦恼。Her decision is getting slammed in the press.她的决定受到新闻媒体的猛烈击。The inauguration received wide publicity in the press.就职典礼在报上得到了广泛报道。Many names have been bandied about in the press as the manager's replacement.报上传着许多人的名字,说是要接替主教练的位置。All the candidates have been getting an enormous amount of exposure on television and in the press.所有候选人都在电视和报刊上频频亮相。I've had so much bad language flung at me in the press, and I really don't deserve it.媒体的恶语相向我经历得太多,而我真的很冤枉。The play had a big buildup in the press.这戏在报上大受好评。Harper was pilloried in the press after his team's sixth consecutive defeat.哈珀的球队连败六场后,在报纸上受到猛烈批评。




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