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词汇 heel
例句 She snagged a heel on a root and tumbled to the ground.她脚后跟被一个树根绊了一下,踉踉跄跄地摔倒在地上。Ushiba ground his cigarette beneath his heel.牛场用脚跟碾碎了香烟。I have a blister on my heel because my shoe is too tight.鞋子太紧了,我脚后跟起了个泡。This country would never submit to living under the heel of a foreign power.这个国家决不会屈从于外国势力的控制。With a snarl, the second dog made a dive for his heel.伴着一声嗥叫,第二只狗扑向了他的脚后跟。Horton's Achilles heel was that he could not delegate.霍顿的软肋在于他不懂得放权。He was always a naughty child but he had to learn to come to heel when he went to school.他一向顽皮,可是上学后他只好学会服从。She got badly spiked when one of the runners trod on her heel.一名跑步选手踩在她脚后跟上,她被严重扎伤了。He kicked it shut with the heel of his boot.他用靴子的后跟将它踢上。His shoes were wearing at the heel.他的鞋后跟磨薄了。I think Frank's vanity is his Achilles' heel.我认为,虚荣心是弗兰克的致命弱点。I felt like a real heel when I saw how I'd upset her.看到自己使她如此难过,我觉得自己真是个混蛋。The protagonist is middle-aged, down at heel and heading for professional oblivion.主人公是一位邋里邋遢、事业每况愈下的中年人。My new shoe is rubbing my heel.我的新鞋擦痛我的脚后跟。Her dog yelped and came to heel.她的狗汪地叫了一声,紧跟了上来。Before anyone could say a word, he turned on his heel and walked out of the room.还没等人说出一句话,他转身就走出了房间。You trust a guy and then he turns out to be a heel.你信任这个家伙,可结果他却是一个卑鄙小人。There is a hole in the heel of one of your socks.你一只袜子的后跟有个洞。She turned on her heel and made what she hoped was a dignified exit.她转过身以尽可能体面的方式退了出去。In the early nineteenth century Italy was under the heel of Austria.十九世纪初义大利处于奥地利的统治下。He used to dress quite smartly, but he looks very down at heel nowadays.他过去衣著讲究,现在却是衣衫褴褛。This year, the team's Achilles' heel is its pitching. 今年这支球队的软肋是投球。These shoes have extra padding in the heel.这些鞋子的鞋跟额外增加了衬垫。We never managed to train Sooty to walk to heel.我们从未能把苏蒂训练得跟在后面走。The town today is a shabby, down-at-heel place.如今这座城市成了破旧邋遢的地方。His heel is raw because his shoe doesn't fit well.因鞋子不合适,他的脚后跟擦破皮了。With his heel he kicked shallow gouges in the soil.他用脚后跟在土里刨出几个浅洞。I'm trying to lose weight, but ice cream is my Achilles' heel.我在拼命减肥,可爱吃冰激凌是我的致命弱点。David angrily turned on his heel and marched towards the door.戴维生气地转过身去,大步向门口走去。My little granddaughter caught her heel in the spokes of her bicycle — it was a very nasty wound.我小孙女的脚跟夹到自行车的轮辐里了,伤得很严重。Her shoes were scuffed and down at heel.她的鞋坏了,鞋跟都磨掉了。She scraped the heel of her hand.她擦破了手掌根。The shoe had rubbed a raw place on her heel.鞋把她的一个脚后跟磨破了。We hope these measures will help to bring inflation to heel. 我们希望这些措施能有助于控制通货膨胀。When her ex-husband entered the room, she turned on her heel and left.当她的前夫进入房间时,她迅速转身离开了。Europe once writhed under Hitler's heel.欧洲曾一度在希特勒的铁蹄下遭受苦难。He worked in a down-at-heel café.他在一家破破烂烂的咖啡店工作。I took my shoes to a heel bar to have them repaired.我把鞋送到修鞋店去修。The dog's bitten off the heel of my shoe.那条狗把我的鞋后跟咬掉了。She had a decidedly down-at-heel appearance.她外表看起来实在很寒酸。




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