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词汇 in the field
例句 Her pioneering work in the field of education will be remembered.她在教育领域所做的开拓性工作将流芳后世。Hubbard was well known for his work in the field of drug rehabilitation.哈伯德因在戒毒康复领域所做的工作而为人所熟知。Are you in the field for the relay race?你参加接力赛跑吗? There were a few cows dotted around in the field.田野里零零落落有几头牛。New methods have yielded promising results in the field.新方法已经在这一领域产生了不错的效果。We heard the cows mooing in the field.我们听到牛在地里哞哞叫。The Army provided armour kits so mechanics in the field could plate the trucks.军队提供了装甲工具包,以便机械师可以在野外给卡车覆盖上钢板。The main office axed those in the field who didn’t meet their quota.主要办公室裁减那些在工作中完不成定额的人。These new findings challenge the current dogma in the field.这些新发现挑战着该领域当前的信条。The farmer tethered a goat in the field and left it there for the day.农民把一头山羊拴在田里,让它在那里待一天。She is the unchallenged authority in the field.她是该领域无可置疑的权威。He turned the horse loose in the field.他把马散放在田野。The young lambs were frolicking in the field.一些小羊儿在田野上欢快地玩耍。The book is written by a noted specialist in the field.这本书的作者是该领域的知名专家。Her scientific attainments have made her quite well-known in the field of biology.她的科学成就使她在生物学界相当知名。She's well-known in the field of English letters.她在英语文学界很有名。She's a daring innovator in the field of biotechnology.在生物技术领域,她是一位勇敢的创新者。That would degrade the ability of the leaders to communicate with their forces in the field.这会削弱领导层与一线员工交流的能力。There was a hollow spot in the field.地上有一个坑。His theories have not yet been tested in the field.他的理论尚未经过实地试验。She would need to fence in the field if she wants to keep a horse there.如果她打算在那儿养一匹马,就必须把那块地用栅栏围起来。They had mowed down the long grass in the field.他们已经把田地里的长草割掉。There are lots of rocks cropping out in the field.那块田里有许多岩石露出地面。We've reached a new milepost in the field of genetic research.在基因研究领域我们已经到达了一个新的里程碑。We heard a sheep baaing softly in the field.我们听到一只羊在地里轻声地咩咩叫。The new drugs have not yet been tested in the field.新药尚未经过临床检验。She has emerged as a leading contender in the field.她作为这个领域最重要的角逐者已初露头角。The children work alongside their parents in the field.孩子们跟着父母在田里劳作。They rotated crops in the field every year.他们每年在田地里轮种几种庄稼Cole is the most noted expert in the field.科尔是这一领域里最著名的专家。The farmers were busy reaping the rice in the field.农民们忙著在田里割稻。The college aims to be a world centre / center of excellence in the field of marine biology.这所学院的目标是成为世界上成就卓著的海洋生物学研究中心。The zoo is doing major conservation work, both in captivity and in the field.无论在圈养场还是在野外,动物园在动物保护方面都承担了主要的工作。The pilot crash-landed in the field.飞行员在野外迫降。We plowed furrows in the field.我们在田里犁地。He is articulate about everything in the field of economics.他对经济领域里的一切都能讲得头头是道。She finessed the interview by playing down her lack of experience and talking about her long-standing interest in the field.她对自己的经验不足轻描淡写,转而谈论自己对该领域长久以来的兴趣,就这样巧妙地把采访应对过去了。The analysis was based on data collected in the field.该分析是建立在所收集的该领域的资料基础之上的。The new weapon has not yet been tried out in the field.新武器还未在战场上试用过。This is a bold essay in the field of electrochemistry.这是在电化学领域中的一个大胆尝试。




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