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词汇 in the cold
例句 He breathed in the cold night air.他呼吸着夜晚的冷空气。He chose to favour us one at a time and the others were left out in the cold.他情愿每次只关照我们当中的一人,而不理会其他人。The house that had looked so sinister at night seemed much less frightening in the cold light of day.这栋夜里看起来阴森凶险的房子在白天似乎并不那么可怕。Soldiers under oath to a lord deserted in the cold and lean winters.宣誓效忠君主的士兵在饥寒交迫的冬天逃跑了。His breath was frozen in the cold air.寒气中,他呼出的水气都结成冰了。To his great disgust, he was left out in the cold.使他大为愤慨的是,他遭到排斥。She breathed in the cold air.她吸进了冷空气。He shivered in the cold.他在寒冷的空气中瑟瑟发抖。There was no break in the cold spell.寒潮天气并未突然转暖。My heart went out to all those poor little children standing shivering in the cold.我非常同情那些站在严寒中颤栗的可怜的小孩子。Millions of ordinary workers feel left out in the cold by the shift to digital technology.数百万普通员工觉得产业的数字技术转型将他们抛在了一边。He stood out in the cold and waited.他站在寒冷的室外等着。I stood there shivering in the cold.我站在那儿冻得直发抖。Tom was out in the cold in the conversation.在谈话中没人理汤姆。His hands were sore and cracked from working long hours in the cold.因为长时间在严寒中工作,他双手酸痛,布满裂纹。I bashed him on the head and dumped him in the cold, cold water.我猛击他的头部,然后把他扔进了冰冷冰冷的水里。Jake stood shivering in the cold air.大冷天杰克站着冻得直发抖。The next morning, in the cold light of day, Sarah realized what a complete idiot she had been.第二天早上,莎拉回过头来冷静地想了想,意识到自己当时是多么的愚蠢。I said a hurried goodbye and walked home in the cold.我匆忙地说了声再会便冒着严寒走回了家。The changes benefit management but leave the workers out in the cold.变革有利于管理,但漠视了工人。Come in. Don't stand out there in the cold.进来,不要站在外面,外面冷。We watched the leaves spiral down from the trees in the cold autumn wind.我们看着树叶在寒冷的秋风中盘旋落下。Leaves scuttled along the streets in the cold wind.寒风把树叶吹得沿街乱飞。He was ruddy-cheeked from the walk in the cold.大冷天他在外面走,脸冻得红红的。The house seemed less threatening in the cold light of day.第二天早晨脑子清醒时,这房子似乎就不那么吓人了。My hands get very rough in the cold.天一冷我的手就变得特别粗糙。Alex stood shivering in the cold, damp air.空气又冷又湿,亚历克斯站着冷得发抖。Some workers were left out in the cold in the recent wage agreement with their employers.在最近与雇主订的工资协议中,一些工人被排除在外。She forced me to look at myself in the cold light of day, and I didn't like what I saw.她迫使我冷静地审视自己,而我厌恶我的所见。Of course, getting up in the cold before daylight took some getting used to.当然,在寒冷的日子里天尚未亮就得起床是需要一段时间才能习惯的。Try to keep active in the cold weather.天冷时要尽量多活动。A little child bleated in the cold.一个小孩在寒冷中呜呜地叫。She hunched her shoulders in the cold.她在寒冷中耸起双肩。Sam was out in the cold in the conversation.在谈话中没人理会山姆。She seemed none the worse for her night out in the cold.她在外面冻了一晚上,好像一点事也没有。Developing countries might be left out in the cold in current world trade talks.在目前的世界贸易洽谈中,发展中国家可能会受到冷落。




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