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词汇 interviewer
例句 The interviewer questioned Miss Jarvis closely about her computer experience.面试者仔细地问了贾维斯小姐在电脑方面的经验。Browning told one interviewer that he is considering running for office again next year.布朗宁告诉一位采访人员说,他正考虑明年再参加竞选。It was on television that he made an even stronger impact as an interviewer.作为采访者,是电视让他产生了更大的影响。I wrote a letter to the interviewer, explaining that I was going overseas for six months.我给主持面试的人写了封信,解释说我要到国外去六个月。Paxman is seen as a tough interviewer who rarely lets politicians off the hook.帕克斯曼被认为是一位强硬的采访者,他绝少让政客在回答问题时轻易脱身。You'll increase your edge by anticipating questions the interviewer might raise.事先估计一下记者可能提出的问题对你更有好处。The interviewer cornered the politician with a particularly tricky question.采访者用一个极其微妙的问题难住了那个政客。He is regarded at the BBC as a tenacious and persistent interviewer.在英国广播公司,他被看成一个不屈不挠、坚定执著的采访者。The interviewer accused the minister of stonewalling on the issue of tax increases.采访者指责部长闭口不谈增加税收的问题。Using humor in a job interview is a dangerous thing - you never know how the interviewer will react.在求职面试时运用幽默是很危险的事,因为你预料不到主持面试者会如何反应。The interviewer asked a lot of leading questions and was clearly biased.面试官问了很多诱导性问题,而且明显带有偏见。The success depends on good rapport between interviewer and interviewee.成功取决于采访者与被采访者之间的良好沟通。The interviewer asked me what I consider to be my best attribute.面试官问我觉得自己的最佳特质是什么。It took some nifty footwork to avoid the traps the interviewer set for her.她用了些机敏的策略避开了采访人设置的陷阱。He thinks he's so smart, but any well-briefed TV interviewer could eat him for breakfast.他自认为很聪明,但任何一个了解情况的电视台访谈记者都能把他难倒。If the interviewer likes you, you're halfway there.如果面试你的人喜欢你,那你就具备了优势。I got a complete mental block as soon as the interviewer asked me a question.面试官刚问了我一个问题,我的脑子就出现一片空白。He was creeping up to the interviewer, trying to look good.他想讨好面试的主考人,争取到好的印象。His remark went unchallenged by the interviewer.他的言论没有受到采访者的质疑。The interviewer may try to catch you out.考官可能会为难你。The furniture is so arranged that the interviewee and the interviewer are not physically separated by a desk.家具的布置让受访者和采访人中间没有桌子隔开。Many politicians have been caught on the hop by a good interviewer.很多政治家都有过给优秀的采访者弄得措手不及的情况。The interviewer's questions put Blair on the rack.采访人提出的问题使布莱尔十分尴尬。The interviewer seemed to relish asking her personal questions.主持面试的人似乎很喜欢问她私人问题。A famous TV interviewer wanted to get her on his show.一个著名的电视访谈节目主持人想请她参加他的节目。My most shocking moment as an interviewer was when a movie star came on drunk and threatened to hit my other guests.我的访问经历中最令人震惊的一刻,是一位电影明星喝醉了酒上来并且威胁要殴打其他嘉宾。There were several questions Melanie wanted to ask the interviewer.梅拉妮有几个问题想问采访者。The interviewer's questions have been edited out.采访者的提问已被删掉了。The interviewer put me on the rack and asked some really tough questions.面试官让我备受煎熬,问了些确实很难的问题。Her press agent asked the interviewer to steer clear of questions about her love life.她的宣传人员要求采访者不要提有关她爱情生活的问题。Don't be sidetracked by the way the interviewer asks the questions - just keep making the relevant points.不要因为采访人的提问而扯到别的事情上去一就一直说有关的话。Unless the interviewer asks you directly, keep off the question of why you left your last job.除非主持面试的人直接问你,否则不要触及你为什么辞去上一个工作的问题。Off the record, he told the interviewer what he thought of his colleagues.他私底下告诉了采访者对同事的看法。His abrasive wit and caustic comments were an interviewer's nightmare.他机智刁钻,评论尖刻,对任何采访他的人而言都是梦魇。The interviewer cornered the politician with some probing questions.采访者拦住那名政治家,向他提了一些刨根究底的问题。The prime minister dealt with the interviewer's questions in a very artful way.首相很巧妙地回答了采访者的问题。The interviewer kept baiting the politician by asking him whether he was lying.那名记者不断追问那位政界人士是否在撒谎,试图将他激怒。She found herself irritated by the interviewer's mincing way of asking questions.她感到自己被会见者装腔作势的提问方式激怒了。He easily evaded all the interviewer's most probing questions.面试官提出的所有尖锐问题他都一一轻松化解。The interviewer made it sound like I thought it was okay to hit a woman, which is totally untrue.采访者写得好像我认为打女人是没问题的,那完全不是真的。




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