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The high cost of borrowing is inhibiting investment by industry in new equipment.借款的高成本抑制了企业对新设备的投资。His first high-budget movie was panned by the critics.他的首部高成本电影受到影评家的强烈抨击。Audiences' expectations are ratcheted up as they are exposed to high-budget productions.观众看过高成本影片后期望会相应上升。His first high-budget movie, called 'Brain Donors', was panned by the critics.他的第一部高成本制作电影《撞板三舞男》遭到恶评。Several start-ups were bankrupted by the high cost of producing original content.新开的几家公司因出版原创内容的高成本而破产了。Any labour shortage could push up costs.任何劳动力短缺都会推高成本。 |