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词汇 accept
例句 We now accept cell phones and laptop computers as commonplaces of everyday life.我们现在已经把手机和笔记本电脑视为日常生活中的常见用品了。You may accept it for what it's worth.不论此说是真是假,你且姑妄听之。They might not accept English money.他们可能不接受英国货币。If I want the job I have to accept the stress that goes along with it.如果我要这份工作,我就必须承受随之而来的压力。They refused to accept the umpire's decision.他们拒绝接受裁判员的判决。I don't accept rides from strange men.我不会搭陌生男人的车。People should not accept unsatisfactory products. They should complain.人们不该接受不满意的产品,他们应该投诉。The Council will meet to decide if it should accept his resignation.委员会将召开会议决定是否接受他的辞呈。As a last resort you may have to accept their point of view.万不得已之下,你可能得接受他们的观点。They found it hard to accept defeat.他们发现很难接受失败。I do not accept that there is any kind of crisis in British science.我不相信英国的科学研究存在任何危机。I don't accept that the firm will go bankrupt.我不相信公司会破产。She won't accept the gift if there are strings. 如果有附加条件,她就不会接受礼物。People are not going to accept being sent back to the war zone without putting up a fight.人们不会束手接受被送回战区。She wrote her novels under the pen name George Eliot, because the publishers would not accept a manuscript written by a woman.她用笔名乔治·艾略特写小说,因为出版商不愿意接受女子的来稿。A school would not accept low-quality work from any student.学校不会接受任何学生质量不合格的作业。Brad was prepared to accept that opposing beliefs could be held equally strongly and passionately.布拉德愿意接受,对立的信仰也会有人以同样的决心和热情去持守。Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your concern and generosity.请接受我对你的关怀和慷慨的由衷谢意。We gladly accept your invitation.我们非常愉快地接受你的邀请。The Senate resolved to accept the President's budget proposals.参议院通过决议接受总统的预算建议。After searching my conscience, I realized that I could not accept their offer.扪心自问后,我意识到我不能接受他们的给予。He would have to accept it; there was no other way.对此他将别无选择,只有接受。She was in Mumbai to accept an award for her latest novel.她赴孟买领取最新一部小说所获奖项。Gradually he came to understand and accept his own sexuality.渐渐地,他开始能理解并接受自己的性兴趣。After a considerable delay, the government has agreed to accept the recommendations.在拖延相当长的时间以后,政府同意接受建议。I can't accept this quality of work. It just won't do.我不能接受这种质量的工作,这样是不行的。He behaved badly, and now he has to accept the consequences.以前他行为恶劣,现在不得不承受后果了。You have to accept that he's gone and stop living in the past.你得接受他已去世的事实,别再活在过去了。We hope you will accept this book as a small token of our appreciation.我们希望你能接受这本书,以表我们的感激之情。The country's justice system is riddled with corrupt judges who accept bribes.这个国家的司法系统充斥着收受贿赂的腐败法官。She tried to accept her marriage as her lot in life but could not.她想认命接受这段婚姻,但却做不到。She succeeded in persuading the jury to accept her version of the events.她成功地说服了陪审团接受她对事件的看法。I accept responsibility for the accident.我承认我对那起事故负有责任。She must understand the consequences of her refusal to accept medical treatment.她必须明白到自己拒绝接受治疗的后果。Sorry, we don't accept travellers'cheques.对不起,我们不收旅行支票。He wouldn't listen to our explanation, nor accept our apology. That really leaves us in the lurch.他既不听我们的解释又不接受我们的道歉,这真让我们陷入了困境。Do you accept payment by credit card?你们接受信用卡付款吗?Iwasn't willing to accept every item on the list.并不是单子上的所有条款我都愿意接受。She found it hard to accept some of the criticisms made about her work.她觉得对她工作的一些批评难以接受。We accept that peaceful protest should be allowed, but this is something of a very different order.我们承认应该允许和平抗议,但这完全是另一码事。




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