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词汇 artist
例句 We were duped by the con artist.我们被那个行骗高手哄骗了。I know a sculptor who swaps her pieces for drawings by a well-known artist.我认识一个雕刻家,她用自己的作品去换一位著名画家的画作。All exhibits are for sale, the proceeds being split between Oxfam and the artist.所有展品都将出售,收入由乐施会和艺术家平分。She's an artist of sorts.她是个所谓的艺术家。Although my father didn't have the wild imagination to make an artist, he was a superb draughtsman.我父亲虽然不具备成为一名艺术家所需要的奇思妙想,但也称得上是一流的绘图师。Each print is signed and numbered by the artist.画家在每张版画上签名并做了编号。Whatever happened to that artist friend of yours?你那位艺术家朋友到底出了什么事?The artist found much to his profit in the Louvre.这位艺术家从卢浮宫收获颇丰。An artist, singer or actress often has temperament.画家、歌唱家或女演员往往容易兴奋。The girl sat down with a police artist to compile a Photofit of her attacker.女孩坐着和警方画像专家一起模拟拼绘攻击她的人的画像。He is receiving tuition from a well-known artist.他正得到一位著名艺术家的指导。The artist was determined to present an accurate picture.那位画家决定展现一幅精确的画面。He thought that he was a brilliant artist himself and that all his fellow painters were just mediocrities.他认为自己是个了不起的艺术家,而其他所有那些同行画家不过是些平庸之辈。For a while the artist completely lost his way. The famous humour gave way to sentimental nonsense.有一段时间这位表演艺术家完全迷失了方向。他没有了其出了名的风趣幽默,取而代之的是伤春悲秋的无聊情感。The winning entrant will receive a scholarship to the famous college of art and a year's supply of artist's materials.获胜的参赛者将获得著名艺术学院的奖学金及一年免费的美术用品。The artist is turning his painterly eye to the pith of his own body and soul.这位画家正在将其艺术眼光投向他自己身心的精髓。I like the way the artist uses red in this painting.我喜欢画家在这幅作品中使用红色的手法。The artist's agent receives commission on a percentage basis.艺术家的经纪人按照一定百分比收取佣金。Leonardo was the greatest artist of his time.莱奥纳多是他那个时代最伟大的艺术家。It was voted the best single by a solo artist.这张唱片被投票评选为最佳个人单曲唱片。The artist shaped the stone with a hammer and chisel.艺术家用锤子和凿子雕琢石头。Whether he was a great artist or not, Dali was a superb technician.无论达利是不是一名伟大的艺术家,他都是一名卓越的技巧大师。As he got older, Picasso's stature as an artist increased.毕加索老了以后,他作为艺术家的声望也就提高了。The artist showed us a portfolio of her drawings.艺术家给我们展示了她的绘画代表作品。The appeal in the pictures is undercut at times by what the artist writes about them.画作的感染力有时被艺术家的描述性文字所削弱。The four monochrome prints are individually numbered and signed by the artist.四幅黑白图画被艺术家分别标号并签名。The picture remained with the artist's family for a number of years.画家的家人将那幅画保存了数年。The artist looked at her with scorn.艺术家以蔑视的眼光看著她。We admired the detail of the artist's work.我们很欣赏艺术家作品的细微之处。He was barely surviving on his earnings as an artist.他画画的收入只够勉强度日。The booklet has full notes on each artist.这本小册子里有每一位艺术家的详尽资料。It is another accomplished work by the artist.这是那位艺术家又一杰出的作品。The artist has finally been accorded something of his due.那位艺术家最终多少得到了应得的荣誉。The artist is free to imagine anything she pleases.艺术家可以任凭想象自由驰骋。She's now widely recognized as an artist of genius.她现在是公认的天才艺术家。The artist has captured her perfectly.艺术家已将她完美地表现了出来。She longs to be a famous artist.她渴望成为著名艺术家。He's a good artist, which puts him one up on most of his classmates.他是个好的艺术家,在艺术方面胜过大多数同学。The girl sat down with a police artist to compile a Photofit of her attacker.这个女孩和警方画像专家坐在一起来拼绘袭击者的画像。For once, the artist's fertile imagination failed him.这位画家丰富的想象力曾一度枯竭。




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