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词汇 胜利在望
例句 As the end of the game got closer, our team began to smell victory. 比赛临近结束时,我们队感觉到胜利在望了。Republicans from Pennsylvania and New York are scenting victory.来自宾夕法尼亚州和纽约州的共和党人感到胜利在望Victory was within their reach. 他们胜利在望Judging by the opinion polls, he seems to be succeeding.从民意测验来看,他似乎胜利在望The trade unions have scented victory.工会预感到胜利在望The project is at a point where the end is in sight.这个项目到了胜利在望的阶段。We're winning now, but we have to work hard to stay/keep ahead.我们胜利在望,但我们必须努力保持领先优势。Victory looked certain.胜利在望




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