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词汇 胜出
例句 The survivors of the first round of competition will be meeting today in the second round.首轮比赛的胜出者今天将在第二轮比赛中相遇。The game was expected to be close but it turned out to be a blowout.这场比赛预计双方实力接近,但最后却是一方大比分胜出His bet was that the horse would win.他曾预言这匹马会胜出The Danes won that UEFA tie in a shoot-out.丹麦人在点球大战中胜出,赢下了那场欧洲杯淘汰赛。Indianapolis beat out nearly 100 other cities as the site for a huge United Airlines maintenance center.印第安纳波利斯从近百座城市中胜出,成为美国联合航空公司大型维护中心所在地。Even if England were to win the next two matches, Germany would still be three points ahead.即使英格兰队在接下来的两场比赛中都胜出,德国队也还是领先三分。According to most opinion polls, he is set to win a clear majority.从大多数民意调查的结果来看,他很有可能以绝对多数票胜出The more cautious approach won out in the end.更谨慎的办法最后胜出He came out on top after a last-lap dice with the Ferrari.他与那辆法拉利在最后一圈进行了近距离追逐,最终胜出He used cutting-edge manoeuvres to outsmart other bidders.他利用尖端策略从竞标人中胜出On the last lap of the race, Gemma started to catch up, and it looked as though she could still win.跑最后一圈的时候,杰玛开始追上了,看来她还有可能胜出They have a glimmer/ray of hope of winning.他们只有很小的机会能够胜出England won the toss and chose to kick off.英格兰队猜先胜出,选择先开球。Winning the race made him a marked man.他因在赛跑中胜出一举成名。It seems more likely that he won because he keyed into contemporary fashion.看来更像是他因顺应了当今的潮流而得以胜出He won a five-set match by three sets to two.他在五局比赛中以三比二胜出She expects to come out ahead in the end.她期待在最后一刻胜出Allan fought off stiff competition from throughout the UK to win one of only four places at the college.艾伦在全英国的激烈竞争中胜出,争取到那所学院仅有的四个名额中的一个。Chess experts expected Kadparov to win the next match.国际象棋专家预测下一场比赛将是卡斯帕罗夫胜出They won the championship last year, and most forecasters favor them to win again this year.他们去年得了冠军,大多数预测者认为他们今年极有望再次胜出The smart money is on Brazil to win.知情者赌巴西胜出In all action movies, the hero always comes out on top.所有动作片中,英雄人物总会胜出If we win the next three matches, we could still go through to the semi-final.如果我们能在接下来的三场比赛中胜出,还可以进入半决赛。Winners of the competition will win a three-night mini-break in Paris.比赛的胜出者可以赢得巴黎的三晚假期。He is still smarting over criticism of his victorious but clumsy performance.他还在为别人批评他尽管最终胜出但表现笨拙感到闷闷不乐。Eric scored a timely win in the penultimate round of the Formula 1 championship.埃里克在一级方程式大奖赛的倒数第二圈中及时追上并胜出Top retailer Marks & Spencer has romped in with another set of sparkling results.零售巨头玛莎百货再次凭借一系列耀眼的成绩轻松胜出She scraped through to a second ballot.她勉强胜出,进入第二轮选举。The Danes were the surprise winners of their group.丹麦队出人意料的从小组赛中胜出Everyone waited tensely for the winner's name to be announced.每个人都紧张地等待着宣布胜出者的名字。She stood unsuccessfully as a candidate in the local elections.在地方选举中她没有胜出Mr Robertson would be a credible candidate.罗伯逊先生将会是有望胜出的候选人。The successful candidates will be given extensive training.胜出的候选人将接受多方面的训练。His victory in the election is almost a certainty. 他在选举中胜出几乎已成定局。Once I was through the first set, my game picked up.我第一盘胜出后,比赛就顺当起来了。The Moroccan came out best in a frantic sprint for the line.在向终点线的疯狂冲刺中摩洛哥运动员胜出With a Labour candidate in place they won by a mile.有一个工党的候选人坐镇,他们轻松胜出Stick to your principles, and you will win through.坚持你的原则,你就会胜出They won the tie in the first round and went on to win the cup.他们在第一轮淘汰赛中胜出,然后一路打下去,赢得了奖杯。The centre-left coalition is expected to prevail in next month's election.中左派联盟可能会在下个月的选举中胜出




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