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词汇 insure
例句 They take great care to insure the safety and security of their home.他们十分小心,以确保住宅安全。It doesn't cost much to insure your personal belongings.投保个人财物不需要很多钱。Despite all of our planning, we can't insure against bad weather.尽管我们计划周全,但仍无法确保不会遇上恶劣天气。Every father should insure his life for the sake of his wife and children.为了替妻子儿女着想,每个做父亲的都应当给自己保人寿险。Think carefully before you insure against accident, sickness and redundancy.在为意外事故、疾病与失业投保之前一定要考虑清楚。We can't insure our children against all life's problems.我们无法确保孩子们终生无虞。All the electronics in the world cannot insure against accidents, though.世上没有哪种电子器材能完全避免意外事故的发生。It is wise to insure your property against storm damage.为防风暴损毁而给财产保险是明智之举。We must insure our national security.我们必须确保国家安全。Many companies won't insure new or young drivers.许多公司是不会为新司机或年轻司机提供保险的。After all his car accidents the company refused to insure him again.他的汽车出了那么多的事故以后,保险公司不愿再为他承保了。Think carefully before you insure against accident, sickness, and redundancy.在投保意外险、疾病险和失业险之前,要仔细考虑。The loss of all his belongings rammed home the need to insure against fire.他的家产丧失殆尽,这使他痛感火灾保险必不可少。I found a company that will insure my car for less than I've been paying.我发现有家保险公司承保汽车所收取的费用比我一直支付的要少。I can't find anyone who will insure me.我找不到愿意为我承保的人。More care would insure you against making so many mistakes.多加注意就能保证你不犯这么多的错误了。She had difficulty finding a company that would insure her.她很难找到愿意为她承保的保险公司。For protection against unforeseen emergencies, you insure your house, your furnishings, and your car.为了应对不可预见的紧急情况,人们会给房子、家具陈设和汽车上保险。Make sure you insure your home contents for an adequate amount.千万要给家里的财物上足保险。Measures must be taken to insure traffic safety.必须采取措施保证交通安全。We hope that careful planning will insure success.我们希望周密的安排将确保成功。Many companies won't insure young drivers.许多公司都不愿意为年轻的司机承保。They refused to insure us because they said we're too old.他们拒绝为我们提供保险,因为他们认为我们年纪太大了。To insure accuracy, three consultants worked closely with the producer during filming.为了确保影片内容精确,在拍摄过程中有三位顾问与制片人密切合作。We thought we'd insure against rain by putting a tent up where people could take shelter.我们想为了以防万一得支起一个防雨帐篷,这样大家就可躲雨了。We automatically insure your belongings against fire and theft.我们自动为你的财产上火灾险和盗窃险。Doctors recommend exercising to insure against health problems.医生们建议进行锻炼以预防健康问题。Take advice to insure yourself against being misled.听取意见以免被误导。It is important to insure that universities have enough funds to carry out important research.确保大学有足够的经费来进行重大的研究工作是很重要的。This policy will insure your car against theft.这份保险单承保汽车盗窃损失险。For protection against unforeseen emergencies, you insure your house, your furnishings and your car.为了防范不可预见的紧急情况,人们给房子、家具和汽车上保险。




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