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词汇 instantly
例句 She was used to having her orders instantly obeyed.她习惯于别人对她言听计从。Computers can instantly retrieve millions of information bits.计算机可以立即检索到数百万条信息。The disloyal thought was instantly suppressed.这个不忠的念头立刻就被压了下去。The stink of vomit reached me instantly.我马上就闻到了呕吐物的酸臭味。Macy has an instantly recognizable voice.梅西有着让人马上就能辨认出来的嗓音。His voice is instantly recognizable.他的声音一听就能听出来。She instantly made her mark with a series of award-winning ad campaigns for high-profile clients.她为一些名人客户设计了一系列获奖广告宣传活动,一举成名。She reddened instantly.她的脸立刻红了。The film can instantly zap us anywhere in time.影片能把我们一下子带到时间长河中的任何一点。Sea snakes inject a poison so strong that it kills a fish instantly.海蛇射出的毒液毒性很强,可把一条鱼当场杀死。The phone book is indexed alphabetically, so you may flip instantly to any number you wish.由于电话号码簿按字母顺序做了索引,你可以立即翻到你所要的号码。Using satellites, television pictures can be seen on the other side of the globe almost instantly.通过人造卫星,世界另一边的人几乎立刻就能看到电视画面。Her simple artless charm won us over instantly.她淳朴自然的魅力一下子就赢得了我们的好感。Later that year she met Adam and she knew instantly that they were soulmates.那一年末,她遇到了亚当,立刻感到他们就是知音。I opened the door and was instantly revolted by the smell.我打开门,一下子就被这气味熏得很恶心。The first track on the album will be instantly familiar to Billie Holliday fans.专辑上的第一首歌会立刻为比利·霍利迪的歌迷所熟悉。The heat of the burners is instantly adjustable.火炉的热度可以即时调节。We were instantly attracted to each other.我们一下子就被彼此吸引住了。She was instantly embarrassed and could feel her face heating up.她当即窘得不行,只觉得脸上一阵发烧。I instantly knew what the call was about.我当即就意识到这个电话的来意了。The vibrant tones of Richard Burton are instantly recognizable.理查德·伯顿洪亮的声音一听就能辨识出来。Everyone he met instantly liked him and wanted to be friends.每个遇见他的人都会立即喜欢上他并想要和他交朋友。Both drivers were killed instantly.两名司机当即丧生。Peart's lyrics are instantly memorable.皮尔特的抒情诗令人过目难忘。When he met Francesca's aunt he was instantly struck by the family resemblance.当他见到弗朗西丝卡的姨妈时,顿时很吃惊,他们一家人长得那么像。Some styles are so flattering that they instantly become classics.有些款式特别衬人,很快就成了经典。You are protected instantly if a thief misuses your credit card.如果小偷盗用你的信用卡,你的卡会立即受到保护。She had only seen Matthew Godden once before, but even so she recognized him instantly.她只见过马修·高登一面,尽管如此,她还是一眼就认出他了。His rather furtive manner instantly aroused my suspicions.他贼头贼脑的样子立刻引起了我的怀疑。A mother recognizes the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.即便是蒙上眼睛母亲也能摸出自己孩子的肌肤。同样,她也能立即听出自己孩子的哭声。Jet-weary travellers would like to see the development of a revolutionary drug capable of instantly shifting circadian rhythms over to destination times.疲于喷气式飞行的旅客都希望看到一种革命性新药的研制,这种药物可立即把昼夜生理节律调节到飞行目的地的时间轨道。Stepping into the garden, she was instantly affronted by the brightness of the morning.一走进花园,她顿时被早晨明亮的阳光照得睁不开眼。The boat instantly tilted, filled and sank.那艘船立即倾斜,进水沉没。The songs are instantly recognizable.这些歌一下子就能听出来。He can instantly calculate the square footage of any property.他能立即计算出任何房产的平方英尺数。It was a head-on crash and both drivers died instantly.这次是迎头相撞,两名驾驶者当场丧生。The first myth about motherhood is that new mothers instantly fall in love with their babies.说起母性,人们首先便会想当然地认为,孩子一出世,初为人母者便会对他们产生感情。I recognized her instantly I saw her.我见到她一眼就认出她来了。His voice was instantly recognizable.他的声音是可以马上辨别出来的。I instantly regretted my indiscretion and asked her to keep the news to herself.我立刻对自己的轻率感到后悔,请求她不要把消息告诉别人。




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