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词汇 in small
例句 You must take it in small doses.你服用这药时剂量一定要小。If taken in small doses, the drug has no harmful effects.如果小剂量服用,则该药没有害处。These islands of the north-east coast can only be reached in small boats.东北部沿海的这些岛屿只有坐小船才能抵达。Large paintings can enhance the feeling of space in small rooms.大型油画可以增加小房间的宽敞感。Evidence bears out the idea that students learn best in small groups.有证据显示,学生以小组方式学习效果最佳。I can only stand opera in small doses.歌剧我只能欣赏一小会儿。Most of the available evidence bears out the view that students learn better in small classes than in large classes.大多数现有的证据证实了小班上课的教学效果要比大班上课好的看法。They live high in the Andes, in small and dispersed groups.他们零星散居在安第斯山脉的高处。Dolphins travel in small groups.海豚小群小群地行进。The kidnappers asked for bills in small denominations.绑匪索要小面额的钞票。Plant the trees singly or in small groups.把这些树单棵或成小片种植。Children in small classes are several months ahead in reading.小班的孩子们提前几个月就开始阅读。Expensive spices, like saffron, are only produced in small quantities.名贵的香料如藏红花,只少量生产。Talking in small groups is heuristic for children.分成小组讨论对孩子来说具有启发性。Children get more individual attention in small classes.小班上课的孩子得到较多的个别关注。The medicine is put up in small bottles.这药装在小瓶里。For several years, Bill Wirtz has been performing in small clubs and honky-tonks from Maryland to the Carolinas.几年来,比尔·沃茨一直在马里兰州和南北卡罗来纳州之间的小型俱乐部和低级酒吧里表演。People were standing about , talking quietly in small groups.人们三三两两地四下站着,轻声交谈。The pebbledash on the house was starting to come loose and flake off in small patches.房子的灰泥小石子外墙开始松动了,有几处小块地方掉了下来。Guns continued to be produced in small numbers.枪支继续被小批量地制造出来。Carbon dioxide is not highly toxic to animals or humans in small amounts.少量的二氧化碳对动物和人体的危害并不大。The medicine is released in small amounts over time. 药物随时间被一点点缓慢地释放出来。They found comfort in small acts of kindness towards each other.他们在对彼此的友善行为中得到慰藉。The children can work individually or in small groups.孩子们可以自己单独学习,也可以分小组学习。The poor things were kept in small cages without room to move.这些可怜的东西都被关在小笼子里,连动一动的空间都没有。I've made trial of this method both in small and in large.我对此方法已进行过小规模和大规模的试验。The students get expert tuition in small groups.学生分小组接受专家的指导。People squatted around the fire in small groups人们三五成群地蹲在火堆的周围。She loves to browse the shops in small towns, looking for curios.她喜欢在小镇的商铺闲逛,淘淘宝。The words cross-referenced to are in small capitals.通过互见指引读者去参看的词用小号大写字母印刷。Buy vegetables in small quantities, for your immediate use.蔬菜不要多买,即买即用。These goods are more efficiently produced in small associations.这些货物由小企业生产效率更高。People no longer live in small communities to the same extent as they used to.今天生活在小社区的人不像从前那样多。These substances produce euphoria when taken in small doses.小剂量摄入这些化学品会让人产生兴奋感。For years, Bill Wirtz has been performing in small clubs and honky-tonks.几年来,比尔·沃茨一直在小型俱乐部和低级酒吧里表演。The sea was too rough for sailing in small boats.海上风浪太大,小船不能航行。The group performed in small clubs for years before hitting the big time with a record deal.在签订唱片合约大红大紫之前,这个乐团有好几年都在小俱乐部里表演。The rat poison comes in small pellets.灭鼠药是做成丸状的。People were standing around , talking quietly in small groups.人们在附近站着,三三两两地低声谈论着。Fluorine is present in small amounts on Mars.火星上有少量的氟。




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