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词汇 intensive
例句 Our baby was in the intensive care unit, and we didn't know whether she would live or die.我们的宝宝在特别护理病房,不知道她是否能活下来。You have to do a year's intensive training to become a paramedic.要接受一年多强化培训才能成为一名医务辅助人员。A lot of farming techniques have been abandoned because they were too labour-intensive.很多耕作方式因其劳动过于密集而被淘汰。There have been intensive discussions between the two governments in recent days.近几天,双方政府一直在进行紧张的磋商。It may be necessary to move the patient to intensive care.也许有必要把这个病人移送到特护病房。The numbers of fish were reduced through intensive harvest.由于集中捕捞,鱼的数量减少了。We provide intensive care for seriously ill neonates.我们为病情严重的新生儿提供重症特别护理。A lot of our stuff is handcrafted and labour-intensive and so more expensive.我们的许多东西都是手工制作、费工费时,所以非常贵。Construction remains a labour-intensive industry.建筑业仍是劳动密集型产业。Each counsellor undergoes an intensive training programme before beginning work.每个辅导员在上岗前都要接受密集培训。The manufacturing process is labor-intensive and expensive.这个生产过程耗费大量劳力和金钱。If an elderly person needs intensive nursing, this is more cheaply provided in a care home.如果老年人需要全面护理,护理中心可提供更低价格服务。The airport expansion is a very capital-intensive project.机场扩建是个资本密集型项目。His fiancée kept a bedside vigil during his weeks in intensive care.在他处于重症监护的几周里,未婚妻一直守候在他的床边。Boren surprisingly led off the most intensive line of questioning today.博伦今天出人意料地一上来就开始连珠炮似地盘问起来。Before moving to Paris, Michael went on an intensive course to improve his French.迈克尔移居巴黎前,参加了一门强化课程以提高他的法语水平。In some areas, modern intensive farming is giving way to the re-introduction of traditional methods.在一些地区,现代集约型农业正在被重新使用的传统方法取代。The prisoner finally broke down under intensive questioning.在强大的审问攻势下,囚犯的精神防线终于崩溃了。The company was not in a financial position to take on another capital-intensive project.公司没有财务能力再承担一个耗费巨资的项目。Last night she was critically ill in intensive care.昨晚她病危,处于重症监护中。The land around here is poor because of years of intensive farming.由于长年的密集耕作,这一带的土地很贫瘠。Over-intensive farming had exhausted the supply of nutrients in the soil.过度密集的耕作已耗尽了土壤中的养分。He'll need intensive physiotherapy.他需要高强度理疗。The use of intensive farming can damage the environment.集约农业有可能损害环境。The show is the product of two years' intensive work.这场演出是紧张工作了两年的成果。It took me a two-week intensive course to pass my driving test.我参加了两周的强化培训班才通过了驾驶考试。The sickest patients are in intensive care.危重病人得到特别护理。She is in intensive care, where she remains critical but stable.她在接受特别护理,病情依然有危险,但已经稳定下来了。The land is severely eroded as a result of widespread deforestation and intensive farming.由于大规模毁林和集约式耕作,土地受到了严重侵蚀。Doctors put her on a respirator and wheeled her downstairs to intensive care.医生们给她戴上呼吸器,把她推到了楼下的特别护理病房。They spend several weeks each year undergoing intensive treatment which enables them to coordinate their limbs better.他们每年都花费几周的时间接受强化治疗,以使四肢能够更好地协调。Construction remains a relatively labour-intensive industry.建筑业相对来说依然是劳动密集型的行业。The intensive training she had done gave her the edge over the other runners.强化训练使她比其他赛跑选手更具优势。This database will enable a more intensive study to be carried out.该数据库将使更深入细致的研究成为可能。This is the time of year when most swimmers begin intensive training for the Olympics.这是一年之中大多数游泳运动员为备战奥运会开始强化训练的时候。The biological balance is upset by over-intensive farming.生态平衡因为过度集中的耕作而遭到破坏。As agriculture became more capital intensive, many farm labourers moved to the towns and cities to look for work.由于农业资本密集程度提高,许多农场工人转向城镇寻找工作。Doctors at the hospital say Mr Crowther is beginning to show signs of recovery, although he is still in intensive care.医院的医生说,克劳瑟先生虽然仍在重症监护室,但已开始有康复的迹象了。This week's summit capped months of intensive negotiations between the two governments.这个星期的峰会圆满结束了两国政府间几个月来深入细致的谈判。She spent the night in intensive care after the operation.手术后的当晚她在重症监护下度过。




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