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词汇 in short
例句 I managed to get her out of the room in short order.我干脆利落地把她弄出了房间。When nutrients are in short supply the body cannot function normally.营养不足时,身体就不能正常运转。The papers were organized in short order.文件迅即处理就绪。She ran hard in short bursts toward the end of the race.她向终点奋力冲刺。Halfway through the party my wife became ill and we had to leave in short order.聚会进行到一半,我太太发病了,我们只好赶紧离开。He was breathing in short gasps.他急促地喘着气。I've known Eric since he was in short pants.埃里克小的时候我就认识他了。These goods are in short supply; the price will be high.这些商品现在供不应求,价格将上涨。Data handling skills are in short supply.数据处理方面的技术欠缺。I was packing, cleaning the house, and saying countless goodbyes, in short, it was a hectic week.我在整理行装,清扫屋子,没完没了地跟人告别;总之,这是乱哄哄的一周。Good agricultural land is in short supply.肥沃的农业用地短缺。His breath came in short spurts.他的呼吸急促。Food is in short supply following the flooding.洪水过后,粮食供应短缺。He works in short bursts.他工作起来一阵一阵地。There is, in short, no absoluteness in anything.总之,任何事物都没有绝对性。I was, in short, a bit of a wreck.总之,我有点撑不住了。He leaned against the railing, his breath coming in short gasps.他倚着栏杆,急促地喘着气。Nowadays that sort of innocence is in short supply.如今那种天真烂漫很少见。It was sunny, and everyone was in short sleeves.阳光明媚,人人都穿着短袖。Exploitable raw materials were in short supply.可开发利用的原材料供应不足。She tended to write in short choppy sentences.她总写出一些不连贯的短句。The trip was, in short, a disaster.简言之,这次旅行是场灾难。Her breath came in short painful puffs.她的喘气短促而痛苦。He's disorganized, inefficient, never there when you want him - in short, the man's a pain.他这个人既没有条理,又没有效率,你需要他的时候他从来不在——简而言之,这个人就是个讨厌鬼。Gasoline is in short supply. 汽油供应短缺。Skilled workers are in short supply around here.这儿熟练工人短缺。Half way through the garden party my sister became ill and we had to leave in short order.花园招待会进行到一半,我姐姐病了,我们只好立即离开。 Strawberries are in short supply this summer.今年夏天草莓供应不足。He listened to himself breathing in short gasps.他听着自己急促地喘气。Oil is in short supply.石油供应短缺。Cigarettes are in short supply, like everything else here.和其他所有东西一样,这里的香烟也供应不足。Backstage, Paul was surrounded by bimbos in short skirts just waiting for him to notice them.在后台,保罗身边围着一群穿短裙的美艳傻妞,就等着他来注意。Newborn babies sleep in short bursts.新生儿的睡眠是短时间的一阵一阵的。It has stout legs which terminate in short and hard feet.它有一双又肥又粗的腿,末端是又短又硬的脚。Food is in short supply all over the country.全国普遍食品供应不足。His breath came in short gasps.他气喘吁吁起来。Free desks are in short supply in this office.这间办公室里的可用的桌子不够。Carter hoped for greater trust between the two nations, more trade, more cultural exchanges – in short, a genuine peace.卡特希望两国之间能够增进相互信任,增加贸易和文化交流。总而言之,就是有真正的和平。She took a deep breath, then expelled the air in short blasts.她深吸一口气,然后一下子把空气呼出来。Pelts were in short supply last year.去年毛皮货源短缺。




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