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词汇 inquire after
例句 A friend of theirs phoned to inquire after them.他们的一个朋友打电话来问候他们。He called me aside to inquire after my daughter.他把我叫到一旁,打听我女儿的情况。Friends have been calling all morning to inquire after you.整个上午朋友们一直打来电话询问你的情况。She inquired after my mother's health.她问候我母亲的健康。Elsie called to inquire after my health.埃尔茜打来电话问我身体如何。She inquired after my wife's health.她问起了我妻子的健康情况。He inquired after you after he learned the bad news.他得知那个坏消息后便问候你的情况。I called at his house to inquire after his health.我到他家去向他问候。She inquired after his grandfather's health.她询问了他祖父的健康状况。He greeted us warmly and inquired after our families.他热情地迎接我们,并问候了我们的家人。




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