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例句 He always says what he thinks, even at the cost of hurting someone's feelings.他总是有话直说,甚至不顾伤害他人的感情。He can't even read a map.甚至不会看地图。She doesn't even like sleeping in, even on Sundays.甚至不喜欢睡懒觉,即使星期天也一样。The couple couldn't even discuss things civilly anymore.夫妻二人甚至不能再和和气气地讨论问题。People don't even know the difference between a semi-colon and a colon.人们甚至不知道分号和冒号之间的分别。I used to put Sarah on a pedestal. Now I don't even like to be in the same room with her.我以前把萨拉奉为天使,现在甚至不愿和她共处一室。He'd never been in a class before and he was not even sure that he should have been teaching.他以前从未教过课,甚至不确定自己该不该教课。That unpaid toil must be my lot and portion, without even the hope or expectation of anything better.我一定是命中注定要做那份无偿的苦工,我对境遇的改善甚至不抱有任何希望或期盼。Some hotels do not even welcome guests in their own language.有些饭店甚至不用他们自己的语言迎接客人。Peter cooked everything by himself - he wouldn't even let me in the kitchen.菜都是彼得一个人做的—他甚至不让我进厨房。This year we won't even be able to buy presents for our grandchildren. It's heartbreaking.今年我们甚至不能给孙子孙女们买礼物,真是让人心碎。Most of these young soldiers don't even know what they're fighting for.这些年轻士兵大部分甚至不知道为了什么打仗。The nearest subway station is not even in the district.最近的地铁站甚至不在这个区。The money they earned did not even cover their most basic needs.他们挣的钱甚至不够支付最基本的需求开支。They can't even express themselves in decent English.他们甚至不能用得体的英语来表达自己。He never said boo , so I didn't even know he was there.因为他一声没吭,我甚至不知道他在那里。He pulls me up on it but I don't even know where I got it from.他为这事儿责骂了我,但是我甚至不知道自己哪里做错了。He was surprised, and annoyed that she had spun a story which was too good to be condemned as a simple lie.他很惊讶,也很生气,因为她编的故事太真实了,甚至不能被斥为一个简单的谎言。If you don't mind suspending your disbelief, you should enjoy this movie.如果你不介意暂且相信那些甚至不可能发生的事,你就能好好欣赏这部电影了。They no longer even conceive of using war or the threat of war to resolve their disagreements.他们甚至不再设想用战争或是战争威胁来解决分歧。Grandpa gets pretty confused sometimes, and doesn't even know what day it is.祖父有的时候很糊涂,甚至不知道当天是星期几。He refused even to look at her.甚至不愿看她一眼。I don't feel like I'm at an endpoint or even at a midpoint in my career.我并不觉得自己已经到了事业的终点,我甚至不觉得是中点。He dismissed the deeds as forgeries without even troubling to examine them.他认为这些契据是伪造的,甚至不屑仔细察看。She didn't even trouble to look at our presents.甚至不屑看一下我们的礼物。At first he wouldn't even talk about it.开始时他甚至不愿意谈这件事。The actor walked by, not even deigning to acknowledge his fans.那位演员大步前行,甚至不屑跟他的粉丝们打个招呼。They were anything but friendly off-camera, refusing even to take the same lift.在银幕外,他们彼此一点也不友好,甚至不愿同乘一部电梯。The head of department has been very helpful - he even took the trouble to show me round the premises during his lunch hour.部门主管很乐意帮忙,他甚至不嫌麻烦在午饭的时候带我到生产场地去转了转。What annoyed him most was the way she wouldn't even listen.最使他恼怒的是她甚至不愿意听。Residents were not even permitted to fish in the reservoir.居民甚至不准在水库内捕鱼。




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