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词汇 甚微
例句 The party won at least one county, and ran a close second in several others.该党派至少在一个郡获胜,而在其他几个郡也和第一名相距甚微It is a solid Conservative stronghold with only negligible Labour strength.该地是保守党的坚强据点,工党的势力甚微The difference between the two cars is marginal.这两辆车之间差别甚微His chances for getting the scholarship were very slim.他获得奖学金的希望甚微As regards a cure for the disease, very few advances have been made.至于这种疾病的治疗,进展甚微Although we've harnessed the force of electricity, we still know very little about its effects on us.虽然我们已能对电进行控制利用,但对于电对我们的影响还了解甚微The two sides made little if any progress towards agreement.双方在达成协议方面的进展甚微




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