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词汇 in pain
例句 It was obvious that she was in pain. 很明显她觉得很疼。She tried to straighten her leg out, crying in pain.她试着把腿伸直,痛得大叫起来She yelled in pain as she touched the hot iron.她碰到热熨斗,疼得大叫起来。We knew she must be in pain, despite her stoic attitude.尽管她非常坚忍,但我们知道她一定很痛苦。Every time he put any weight on his left leg he winced in pain.只要左腿一受力,他就会疼得龇牙咧嘴。Sophia's face twisted in pain.索菲娅疼得脸都扭曲了。The child was in pain because his larynx was all red and swollen.这孩子在遭受疼痛,因为他的喉头又红又肿。The runner doubled in pain with a cramp.赛跑运动员因抽筋而痛得蜷起身子。Chantal was writhing in pain and bathed in perspiration.夏恩托痛苦地翻来覆去,汗水淋淋。The old man laboured along, groaning in pain.老人边艰难地向前走,边痛苦地呻吟。Clare yelled in pain as she fell.克莱尔跌倒时痛苦地大叫。When he accidentally stepped on its tail, the little dog yelped in pain.他不小心踩着了小狗的尾巴,它痛得急叫。A man in the next bed was shouting wildly in pain.邻床的男人疼得嗷嗷直叫。She cried out in pain as the bullet grazed her shoulder.子弹擦过她的肩头时,她痛得叫出声来。He doubled up in pain.他疼得直不起腰了。He shouted out in pain when the doctor moved his broken ankle.医生挪动他受伤的脚踝时,他疼得大叫起来。She moved her legs slowly, as though in pain.她慢慢地挪动双腿,好像很痛。He was crying out in pain on the ground when the ambulance arrived.救护车赶到时他正疼得在地上大叫。The patient grimaced in pain when his wound was touched.伤口被触及时,病人疼得龇牙咧嘴。He grunted in pain.他痛苦地呻吟着。The player doubled up in pain after an object struck him.被物体击中后,那名选手疼得弓起了身子。She was writhing on the floor in pain, holding her stomach.她痛得捂着肚子在地板上翻滚。She was writhing in pain, bathed in perspiration.她痛苦地扭动着,全身都汗湿了。The wounded dog lashed about in pain.那条受伤的狗痛得满地打滚。Someone was crying, as if they were in pain.有人在哭,好像是处于痛苦之中。She was in pain, despite being drugged up to the eyeballs.尽管用了大量的麻药,她仍然觉得痛。Harriet lurched towards the bathroom, clutching her stomach in pain.哈丽雅特东歪西倒地走向浴室,痛苦地捂住胃部。Even the smallest movement made him cry out in pain.稍微动一动他都会痛得叫起来。He was doubled over in pain, gasping and retching as if his insides were on fire.他痛得腰都直不起来,又是喘气又是干呕,那样子就像他的五脏六腑被火烧似的。Chris fell, crying out in pain.克里斯摔下来,痛得大叫起来。Her face contorted in pain.她痛得脸都歪了。The girl groaned in pain.姑娘痛苦地呻吟。She cringes with each strike and wails in pain.每次击打她都往后一缩并痛苦地哀号。The girl groaned in pain.那女孩痛苦地呻吟著。He lay writhing on the ground, clutching his head in pain.他痛得两手抱头在地上打滚。It was the sound a man might make when in pain but trying not to show it.那是一个人强忍着疼痛不想表露出来的时候发出的声音。The old man labored along, groaning in pain.老人艰难地向前走,痛得呻吟不已。I have to fit in an extra patient because she is in pain.我得安排再看一个病人,因为她疼痛难禁。Young children cry if they are in pain, if they are hungry or if they are left alone.年幼的儿童感到疼痛、饥饿或是孤独无伴时会哭。Somewhere, someone was howling in pain.不知在哪里,有个人痛苦地叫喊着。




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