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词汇 开关
例句 The switches are cheap to buy and easy to install.这些开关价格低廉,而且安装简便。He threw a switch and the lights all went out.他按了一下开关,所有的灯都熄灭了。It took me the longest time to figure out how to work the sunroof in this car.我费了很长时间才弄懂怎样开关这辆车的活动车顶。I was confronted with an array of knobs, levers, and switches.我面前是一大堆旋钮、控制杆和开关She filled the kettle and switched it on.她把水壶灌满水后打开了开关The electric motor has a two-way switch.这个电动机有一个双向开关Buttons and switches were clearly numbered to correspond to a chart on the wall.按钮和开关都清楚地编了号,与墙上的图表相对应。He threw a switch and the lights came on.他拉了一下开关,灯便亮了起来。He groped for the light switch.他摸索着找灯的开关Pulse several times until the mixture looks like oatmeal.节奏均匀地开关几次搅拌机,直到混合物看上去和燕麦粉差不多。A microswitch in the gear stick automatically engages and disengages the clutch.变速杆里的微型开关自动地与离合器啮合或脱离。A guy by the door reached for a switch and the floodlights dialled down.门边的人摸到一个开关,然后探照灯就暗下来了。Whatever you do, don't touch that switch.无论如何也不要碰那个开关Several instructors could not answer questions about the function of a particular switch.几名教员都无法回答有关一个特别开关的作用的问题。All you have to do is to plug in and switch on.你只须接通电源,一拧开关就行了。With a turn of the switch, the lights came back on.转动开关之后,灯重新亮了起来。He flicked a switch and let the boat idle.他啪的一声打开了开关,让船的发动机空转。The intercom buzzed and he pressed down the appropriate switch.对讲机发出嗡嗡声,他按下了相应的开关He twisted the throttle control to max power.他把节气门的开关拧到最大。She tripped the switch.她不小心触动了开关With a flick of a finger, you can turn it on and off.手指轻轻一动,就可以开关The switch is either on or off; there's no in-between.这个开关不是开就是关,没有中间状态。The light switch was out of reach.灯的开关太远,够不到。She flicked a switch and turned the lamp/lights on.她轻按了一下开关,打开了电灯。He snatched up the receiver and his free hand groped for the switch on the bedside lamp.他一只手抓起电话听筒,另一只手去摸床头灯的开关No, Jimmy, don't touch that switch.别,吉米,别碰那个开关The pilot sits in front of a bewildering array of dials and switches.飞行员坐在一排令人眼花撩乱的仪表盘和开关面前。The doors can be manually operated in the event of fire.发生火灾时,这些门可以手动开关When the switch is tripped, the alarm goes off.开关被触动后,警报声随之消失。He broke the gizmo he uses to open and close his garage door.他弄坏了用来开关车库门的小装置。You switch the computer on at the back. That's it.你把计算机后面的开关打开。对,就这样。She felt around for the light switch.她摸着找电灯的开关With the flick of a switch, the robot picks up the bomb, carries it away from buildings, and blows it up.一按开关,机器人就捡起炸弹,把它搬离建筑物,然后引爆。Electricians worked through the night to localize the faulty switches.电工为了找到出故障的开关工作了一夜。We have one of those doors in the kitchen that slides open.我们厨房的门中有一扇装的是那种滑动开关的。This switch slows down the action of the pump.这个开关减缓了泵的运作。The fuse blew as he pressed the button.他一按开关,保险丝就断了。Adjust the heat of the barbecue by opening and closing the air vents.通过开关气阀来调节烧烤架的温度。The overdrive switch was on the steering column.超速挡的开关在转向杆上。The Speaker of the House threw the switch for the Christmas tree lights in front of the Capitol building.议院议长扳动开关,点亮了国会大楼前圣诞树上的彩灯。




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