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词汇 innumerable
例句 He wrote innumerable songs without ever repeating himself.他写了无数的歌曲,从来不重复。There are innumerable errors in the book.这本书谬误百出。There are innumerable examples of his generous nature.关于他慷慨豪爽的性情可以列举出无数的事例。He has invented innumerable excuses, told endless lies.他编造了数不清的借口和谎话。She's served on innumerable committees.她担任过无数委员会的委员。The project has been delayed by innumerable problems.由于问题太多,计划已被推迟。The ground was pitted with innumerable craters.遍地都是坑坑洼洼。There are innumerable variations on the folktale, but the basic story is the same throughout Europe.这个民间传说有无数个版本,但是基本情节全欧洲都一样。She saw her mother hurt innumerable times by her father's arrogance.她目睹了母亲被父亲的傲慢无数次地伤害。




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