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词汇 争议
例句 He acquitted himself poorly in handling the controversy.他在处理那场争议时表现得不太好。The main item on the agenda is the pay dispute.议程的主要项目是有关薪水的争议Controversy surrounds the TV show, which many consider to be racist, sexist, and homophobic.这部电视剧有很多争议,许多人认为它具有种族主义、性别歧视及仇恨同性恋的倾向。The new system is the focus of controversy.这个新体制是争议的焦点。She's not feminist with a capital F but she's fairly controversial.她不是个真正意义上的女权主义者,但却是个颇具争议的人物。All the arguments serve to emphasize the controversy surrounding this disease.所有争论突出了有关这种疾病的争议The argument remains unsettled.这项争议仍未解决。The controversy created a schism in the group.争议使集团内部产生了分裂。The book is an excellent vignette of some of the major debates in science.这本书清晰而扼要地介绍了科学界的一些主要争议A controversy arose over the new law.这一新法律引起了争议The city authorities operated a controversial needle exchange in one of the city's parks.市政当局在市内一家公园开展针具交换计划,这一做法备受争议David Hirst was controversially sent off on his European debut for Sheffield Wednesday last night.周三,也就是昨天晚上大卫·赫斯特代表谢菲尔德足球俱乐部参加他在欧洲的首场比赛时被罚下场,引来一片争议More controversially, he claims that these higher profits cover the cost of finding fresh talent.引发更多争议的是,他声称这些更高的利润平衡了用来发掘新秀的成本。They accused him of straddling the issues.他们指责他对争议持骑墙态度。This is an equitable solution to the dispute.这是对该项争议的公正解决。Whether older women miscarry more often or whether they report more miscarriages is a debatable point.年纪较大的妇女究竟是更容易流产,还是她们报告流产更多,这一点尚存争议The government brought in a controversial law.政府推行了一项颇具争议的法规。Her comments have ignited a controversy.她的评论引发了争议The postponement was due to a dispute over where the talks should be held.会谈应在哪里举行产生了争议而导致延期。The book is an excellent vignette of some of the major debates in science.这本书对科学界的一些存有重大争议的问题给出了绝好的简介。His remarks whipped up a controversy.他的言论引发了一场争议The dispute was settled honorably.争议体面地得到解决。His inclusion in the team has caused controversy.他的入队引起了争议The candidate was constantly shifting his position on the issues.这候选人在那些争议问题上不断改变立场。The Vietnam war was an extremely divisive issue in the US越南战争在美国是一个极具争议的问题。She reworded sensitive areas of the report so that it wouldn't be so controversial.她将报告中内容敏感的部分改写了一下,以免引起太大争议She is the latest in a long line of controversial leaders.在一系列颇具争议的领导者中,她是最新的一位。Her unorthodox views tend to attract controversy.她的非正统观点往往招来争议A reporter characterized Mrs. Clinton as the most controversial first lady in modern history.一名记者把克林顿夫人说成是现代历史上最具争议的第一夫人。He got/was flamed for expressing a controversial political opinion on the Internet.他在网上发表了颇具争议的政治观点,因此有人写电子邮件辱骂他。Much controversy surrounds the new exam.围绕着新的考试有很多争议There has been some controversy about several of FIFA's sponsors.关于国际足联的某些赞助商还存在一些争议There's a cloud of controversy/uncertainty/doubt hanging over the election.这次选举笼罩在一片争议声/不确定性/疑云中。An instance of this controversy occurred last year.去年出现过类似的争议Alan doesn't shy away from controversy.艾伦不回避争议The story was deemed too controversial and so they spiked it.他们认为这篇报道争议太大而拒绝刊登。The movie was controversial because of its graphic violence.这部影片因赤裸裸的暴力镜头而饱受争议Sanctions are expected to be among the most contentious issues.制裁可能会是争议最大的问题之一。The book was surrounded by controversy.这本书备受争议The disagreement deteriorated into a fight. 争议最终演变成了冲突。




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