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词汇 accent
例句 Your accent depends on where you live, your upbringing, that kind of thing.你的口音受到你生活的地方、你的家庭教育等方面的因素影响。She spoke with an unfamiliar accent.她说话带有陌生口音。He spoke with a cut-glass English accent.他说起话来拿腔捏调的,有英国口音。Hans speaks English beautifully, without a trace of a foreign accent.汉斯英语说得极好,听不出一丝外国口音。I remarked a slight accent in his speech.我觉察到他说话时稍微带一点地方口音。She put on a Southern accent when she answered the phone.她接电话时装出一口南方口音。She has a strong Glaswegian accent.她有很重的格拉斯哥口音。Judging from her accent, she must be from the North.从她的口音判断,她一定是北方人。Toptours Travel is now offering numerous special vacation packages with the accent on choice.顶级旅游公司目前正在推出多种特别的包价旅游,强调多样化选择。He spoke with a thick accent.他说话带着浓重的口音。The accent falls on the second syllable.重音落在第二个音节。A woman with a very posh accent phoned for him earlier.一位谈吐高雅的女士早些时候打电话找他。The Government put the accent on light industry.政府注重轻工业。I was surprised by the thickness of his accent.他浓重的口音让我惊讶。The voice was patronizing and affected, the accent artificial.声音拿腔拿调的,听上去矫揉造作。His accent was nasal and New Yorky.他说话鼻音重,带纽约腔。This type of plant is often used as a decorative accent.这种植物通常用来做装饰。He spoke with a soft Irish accent.他说话时带有柔和的爱尔兰口音。There's no way you can disguise that southern accent.你是无法掩盖南方口音的。Valerie put on a posh accent and asked to see the manager immediately.瓦莱丽装出上流社会口音,要求立即见经理。The word takes an accent on the last syllable.这个词的最后一个音节重读。Her southern accent lent authority to her performance.她的南方口音增加了她表演的真实性。The Cockney accent was put on for effect.这伦敦腔是为了给人留下深刻印象而故意装出来的。In accent and mannerism he appeared to be completely Eastern European.从口音和举止上看,他像一个地道的东欧人。He spoke with a heavy rural accent.他说话带浓重的乡村口音。He used a phoney accent.他用了装出来的口音。She spoke French/English/German with a heavy accent.她说法语/英语/德语时有很重的口音。The poor woman was pulled to pieces. Her makeup, her accent, her political opinions; nothing escaped criticism.那个可怜的女人备受指摘;她的气质、她的口音、她的政治观点,没有一项不遭批评的。She was speaking with a fake German accent.她假装德国口音说话。Other kids called her a hillbilly because of her accent and her simple clothes.别的孩子都管她叫乡巴佬,因为她说话有乡土口音,穿着又很简朴。He had a pleasant, lilting northern accent.他操着一口悦耳的、抑扬顿挫的北方口音。He used to affect a foreign accent.他过去常假装外国口音。She laid on a fake southern accent. 她装着用南方腔说话。Our accent is on providing our customers with dependable service.我们的重点是向顾客提供可靠的服务。Mid-fifties, short black hair, grey moustache, distinctive Russian accent. Need I go on?五十四五岁,黑色短发,灰色八字胡,明显的俄国口音,还需要我继续说吗?You have a perfect English accent.你有一口地道的英格兰口音。The accent is on presentation in this contest.重要的是在此次竞赛中的表现。His accent gave him away as a northerner.他的口音让人听出他是北方人。Ever since he came back from London, John's been talking with a phony British accent.约翰从伦敦回来后,讲起话来就一直带着冒牌的英式口音。She speaks English with a pommy accent.她讲的英语带着英国腔。




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