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词汇 arrives
例句 When she arrives, show her straight in.她到了后,直接把她带进来。The sexy heroine (wait until you get a load of her outfit) soon arrives.性感女主角(你可以等着看她那身衣服)很快就来了。The steel arrives at the factory in coils.钢材成卷地运到工厂。If you hang about here for a bit, you may catch the manager as he arrives.要是你在这儿呆一会儿,经理来时你可能会遇上他。Every so often, a new martial art arrives from the East.时而会从东方传来一种新的武术。She's not a very organized person and she always arrives late at meetings.她不是个有条不紊的人,开会总是迟到。We need to unfold the chairs before everyone arrives.我们必须在大家到达前把椅子都打开。New fathers often feel left out when baby arrives.有了小宝宝以后,初为人父者往往有一种被冷落的感觉。She arrives a smidgen ahead of time.她比预定的时间仅早到了一点儿。Hay fever is an affliction which arrives at an early age.枯草热是年纪较小时会患的一种病。Tell him I want to see him the minute he arrives.他到了让他马上来见我。I'm going to fix up the house before my mother-in-law arrives.我要在婆婆来之前把房子收拾一下。When each passenger arrives, we ask them to fill in a form.每位旅客到达后,我们请他们填表。She always arrives on time. Her work, furthermore, has always been excellent.她一贯按时上班,而且工作一直很出色。Let me know when he arrives.他到的时候告诉我一声。We'll just have to camp out until our furniture arrives.在家具运到之前,我们只好对付着住一下了。Do we have time for a quick one before the train arrives?火车进站前我们还有时间喝上一杯吗?When a new baby arrives, you have to make a lot of adjustments.有了宝宝,你得作出很多调整。My boss takes a dim view of anyone who arrives late for meetings.我老板讨厌开会迟到的人。The main criticism about the information provided is that it arrives too late.对所提供信息的主要批评意见是这些信息来得太晚。I'm not going out - I want to be here when Tony arrives.我不出去—我想在这里等托尼来。The plants will be ready for use when the spring thaw arrives.春融时这些工厂就可以投入使用。When the doctor arrives, send him up, will you?医生来时,请他上楼来好吗?She's on the run from the moment she arrives at the office till the moment she leaves.她从踏进办公室到离开办公室,一直在忙。When Alf arrives we'll get cracking moving the furniture.阿尔夫到达以后,我们将赶紧动手搬家具。I want to see her the moment she arrives.她一到我就要见她。He's never late, but he often arrives at the last moment.他从不迟到,可是常常在最后一刻到达。I see no cause for alarm, as she often arrives late.我看没什么可担心的,因为她经常迟到。An email arrives in your inbox.你的收件箱收到一封电子邮件。She often arrives late for work.她上班经常迟到。He arrives in a monster of a four-wheel drive.他是开一辆庞大的四轮驱动车来的。The heroine arrives in the nick of time to save the hero.女主人公在千钧一发之际赶到,救了男主人公一命。It arrives as a flat pack and is bolted together on site.送到时是一套盒装组合家具,再就地装配起来。I'll tell her as soon as she ever arrives.她一到达我就告诉她。Her pension arrives in the mail every month.她每个月都会收到寄来的养老金。I hope we can hold on until help arrives.我希望救援到来之前我们能挺住。He arrives in his biplane and crash-lands it in a tree.他开着自己的双翼飞机到达,然后摔机着陆落到一棵树上。Tell him I need to see him the minute he arrives.他一到就告诉他我要见他。He's very snappish when he arrives at work in the morning.早上刚上班时,他脾气总是很暴躁。She arrives a week on Friday.她下周五抵达。




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