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词汇 inflected
例句 In all dictionaries to date we give the headword and all the inflected forms.迄今为止,我们在所有的词典里都给出词目及其全部屈折形式。Deep pain inflected his voice.深深的痛苦使他说话的声调都变了。The broad comedy is inflected with horror.通俗喜剧带上了恐怖风格。Latin, Polish, and Finnish are all highly inflected languages.拉丁语、波兰语及芬兰语都是有很多屈折变化的语言。The line inflected to the circumference.这条线弯成了圆形。Sanskrit is a highly inflected language.梵文是屈折变化丰富的语言。Verbs may be inflected for person, tense, voice, and mood.动词随著人称、时态、语态和语气的不同可能会有词形的曲折变化。Bell inflected the musical line and varied his tone, his vibrato and his phrasing with a degree of imagination.贝尔以其想象力将乐谱转调,使音色、颤音和乐句划分变化多样。English nouns are not usually inflected.英语名词通常没有屈折变化。




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