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词汇 前往
例句 Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal.用公车载送旅客前往航空站。The consul was ordered to Tangier immediately.领事接到即刻前往丹吉尔的命令。They were lost at sea when their ship sank en route for Madeira.前往马德拉的途中船沉了,他们葬身大海。When we think of adventurers, many of us conjure up images of larger-than-life characters trekking to the North Pole.一想到探险者,我们很多人脑海中浮现的便是长途跋涉前往北极的非凡人物形象。Follow the signs for Lancaster.按照前往兰开斯特的标志走。The Sudanese leader has left for a two-day visit to Zambia.苏丹领导人已前往赞比亚进行为期两天的访问。Armed officers swarmed to the scene as paramedics waited on red alert.大批武装警察前往现场,护理人员随时待命。He made several attempts to reach the North Pole unsupported.他曾好几次尝试孤身一人前往北极。She left her family to travel to Jerusalem to do penance for an early sin.她离家前往耶路撒冷,补赎早年的一个罪孽。Melanie grabbed at the invitation to go.梅拉妮欣然应邀前往They launched out last week on a journey to Hong Kong.他们上周启航,前往香港。He sent Evans as his personal envoy to discuss ways to mend relations between the two countries.他派埃文斯以私人特使的身份前往商讨修复两国关系的途径。He drove to the White House.他驱车前往白宫。The Queen rode in state to the opening of Parliament.女王隆重地乘车前往出席议会开幕典礼。Tonca and her family packed up and headed for Austria.汤嘉和家人收拾行李前往奥地利。Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World in the Santa Maria.克里斯托弗·哥伦布从圣玛丽亚启航前往新大陆。A landing party was sent ahead to reconnoitre the area.派出一支登陆先遣队前往该地区侦察。They're sailing for Antigua next week.他们下星期要启航前往安提瓜岛。They're going away to Greece or somewhere.他们正前往希腊或其它什么地方。A team of special investigators have gone to the scene of the explosion.一批特别调查人员已前往爆炸现场。Several people have volunteered to go.有几个人自愿前往They launched out yesterday on a journey to the Phillippines.他们昨天启航,前往菲律宾。The voters trooped to the polls.选民成群结队前往投票。We are going West to California.我们西行前往加利福尼亚。Colley boated over to Shelter Island.科利一路划船前往谢尔特岛。We embarked at Liverpool for New York.我们从利物浦登船,前往纽约。Her private jet landed in the republic on the way to Japan.她的私人喷气式飞机在前往日本的途中降落在该共和国境内。They took a sentimental journey to England, the country where they had met.他们前往英格兰进行怀旧之旅,那是他们曾经相遇的地方。He boarded a steamer, and took passage for Shanghai.他登上一艘轮船,前往上海。There's a mock-up of the high street where the Goodwins go shopping.古德温一家前往购物的那条大街有一个街景模型。They believe with perfect faith that they are going to the promised land.他们虔诚地相信他们正前往希望之乡。Voters are due to go to the polls on Sunday to elect a new president.选民应于星期日前往投票站选举新总统。The missionaries set out to evangelize the world.那些传教士前往世界各地进行传教。We then headed west towards the heartland of Poland.我们随后朝西前往波兰中部。He was loud in his refusal to go.他断然拒绝前往Her name is posted on the blacklist at all departure points for Ireland, both sea and air.她的名字被公布在前往爱尔兰的所有出发点的黑名单上,包括水运和航运。Passengers for Birmingham should sit at the rear of the train.前往伯明翰的乘客应坐在列车的后部。We stood at the counter, filling our bowls with salad.我们站在柜台前往碗里装沙拉。They flew from New York to New Delhi via Frankfurt.他们乘飞机从纽约取道法兰克福前往新德里。To get our Colombian visas we bussed back to Medellin.为了拿到前往哥伦比亚的签证,我们乘大巴返回麦德林。




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