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词汇 前方
例句 He sat immobile at the wheel, staring straight ahead.他一动不动地坐在方向盘后,两眼直视前方She stood riveted in place, staring straight ahead.她站着一动不动,直视前方The whistle blew and the train moved forward.汽笛长鸣,火车驶向前方He just sat in the dressing-room staring into space.他坐在更衣室里直愣愣地看着前方Ahead of us we could see the lights of the city.前方,我们能看到城市的灯光。The way ahead is long and difficult. Notwithstanding, we carry on.前方的路很长很艰难,然而我们还会继续走下去。His attention was firmly fixed on the road ahead.他的注意力都放在前方的道路上。I peered ahead through the windscreen.我透过面前的挡风玻璃凝视前方I peered ahead through the front screen.我透过面前的挡风玻璃凝视前方Before you start to overtake, make sure the road is clear ahead of you.超车前,一定要确定前方道路没有障碍物。We had no warning of the dangers that were ahead of us.我们没有得到前方有危险的任何警报。It looks like the road/traffic opens up ahead.前方似乎道路变宽/交通顺畅了。Often a fox goes across the road in front of me and I just catch it in the headlights.常常有狐狸穿越车前方的马路,我借助车头灯正好看见。She sat bolt upright, staring straight ahead.她直挺挺地坐着,凝视着前方The little boy ran into the path of a car.小男孩跑到了一辆开过来的汽车前方He saw a police car up ahead, so he turned and went down a side street.他看到前方有辆警车,就转了个弯从一条小路走了。The tank commander feared there might be enemy soldiers lying in wait in the hills up ahead.坦克司令担心,前方的山头上可能埋伏着敌军士兵。Always enter or leave a helicopter from a forward direction.一定要从侧前方上下直升机。Road signs indicate detours ahead.路标显示前方需绕行。There was a luminosity far ahead like the twilight end of a tunnel.遥远的前方有个东西闪闪发光,犹如隧道尽头发出的微光。Francesca was staring ahead into the darkness.弗朗西斯卡凝视着漆黑的前方He sat staring in front of him as if in a trance.他坐着凝视前方,好像处于恍惚状态之中。The road ahead looks wet, but in fact this is an optical illusion.前方的路面看上去湿漉漉的,但实际上那只是视错觉。He looked straight ahead and kept walking.他直视前方,脚步不停。The sign by the roadworks said "Slow - heavy plant crossing".道路工程旁边的告示牌上写着“减速——前方有重型施工机械”。They fixed their gaze on the dark line of the coast ahead.他们注视着前方黑色的海岸线。The road ahead was now blocked with traffic.前方道路目前堵车。The road is closed ahead, so traffic will have to follow the detour.前方道路封闭,所以车辆只能走绕行道。He clenched his teeth and continued to look straight ahead.他咬紧牙关,一动不动地看着前方Down the road, he could see a bus coming from the opposite direction.在路前方,他看到一辆公共汽车从对面驶来。A ribbon of road stretched ahead of us across the desert.沙漠中的一条路宛如一根细长的带子,在我们前方延伸。Without so much as a backwards glance, he steered her towards the car.他眼睛直视前方地领她走向那辆车,瞥都没往后瞥一眼。Cindy was staring vacantly into space.辛迪茫然地凝视着前方Ahead of us the green seemed like an ocean.我们前方的草地宛如一片海洋。His eyes looked dully ahead.他目光呆滞地看着前方Major roadworks ahead.前方道路大施工。The train chugged steadily along the West Highland Line.火车沿着西高地线平稳地隆隆驶向前方Ahead the vegetation broke into bare rock.前方的植被长入裸露的岩石中。He looked straight ahead and overtook a lumbering lorry.他眼睛直视前方,加速超过了前面一辆慢吞吞行进的大卡车。He stared sullenly into space, pretending not to hear the jeers.他面色阴郁地凝视前方,假装没听见那些冷嘲热讽。




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