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词汇 in every way
例句 Geraldine resembled her mother in every way.杰拉尔丁各方面都像她的母亲。We are equal in every way.我们在各个方面都是平等的。This movie is in every way a masterpiece of cinematography.无论从哪方面来看,这部片子都是一部电影杰作。The school's much better now in every way.学校目前在各个方面都有很大改观。The new computer is superior to the other one in every way. 这台新电脑在各个方面都强于另一台电脑。She was unlike him in every way except for her coal black eyes.她除了那双乌黑的眼睛外,跟他没有一点儿相像。I shall be very pleased to help you in every way I can.我将很高兴地尽我所能来帮助你。The two drawings are identical in every way.这两幅画一模一样。Their test results were equal in every way.他们的测验结果各个方面都相同。His health was poor, and with the loss of the farm, he was diminished in every way.他的健康状况不佳,而由于失去农场,更是完全垮了。She was unlike him in every way.她一点儿也不像他。She saves in every way she can.她尽一切可能节约。The new system is in every way an improvement on the old.新系统在各方面都较老系统有改进。She tried in every way to keep the truth from her parents.她想尽办法不让父母知道真相。They're different in every way.无论从哪方面看,他们都不一样。She was beneath him in every way, at least intellectually and spiritually.她在各方面,至少在智力和精神上,都不如他。




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