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词汇 私下
例句 That fellow can be very rude in private though in public he is usually polite.那家伙在大庭广众通常很有礼貌,但私下很粗鲁。At the end of the lunch, I said I had some off-the-record comments.午餐快结束的时候,我说我有一些想私下谈的看法。May I talk with you privately?我可以私下和你谈谈吗?They say things privately, but clam up in public.他们私下会说话,但在大庭广众之前就变得沉默了。I spent the rest of their visit gleefully boring them with tedious details.在他们到访余下的时间里,我一直给他们讲些乏味的琐事,把他们烦得够呛,而我则私下窃喜。He confided to his friends that he didn't have much hope for his marriage.私下告诉朋友说,他对自己的婚姻不抱太大的希望。May I have a word in your ear before you leave?在您走之前,我能和您私下谈谈吗?Two out of five thought the business would be sold privately on their retirement or death.五个人之中有两个认为公司会在他们退休或去世时被私下卖掉。Off to one side, Sticht, Macomber, Jordan, and Kreps huddled to discuss something.施蒂希特、麦康伯、乔丹和克雷普斯走到一旁私下商量着什么。The notion was discussed privately between the two men at lunch.两人在吃午饭时私下讨论了这个想法。He told me the real feelings in camera.私下告诉了我他真正的感情。Nickles was privately feeling out colleagues.尼克尔斯正在私下打探同事们的反应。He may have domestic problems; I'll have a quiet word with him.他可能碰上了家庭难题,让我去和他私下谈谈。I'm telling you this on the side.私下告诉你这事。He took him aside, and told him the news privily and briefly.他把他拉到一旁,私下把消息简单地告诉了他。It was the first time they had attempted to talk intimately.那是他们第一次试图私下交谈。Off the record, many Conservatives admit they cannot win the election.许多保守党人私下都承认他们不可能赢得大选。Mary took Tina in the other room for a private chat.玛莉拉了蒂娜在另一房间里私下聊天。The person concerned would be shown the evidence in private and invited to stand down.将会向有关人员私下出示该证据,并要求其暂时离开证人席。His private expectations were not so sanguine.私下的期望并不是那么乐观。Despite their tough anti-American rhetoric, the government is privately trying to maintain good relations with the U.S..尽管他们发表强硬的反美言论,政府仍试图私下与美国保持良好关系。Privately, senior officials agreed that not many people had voted.高官们私下认为并非很多人投了票。They retreated into the next room to talk privately.他们到隔壁房间私下交谈去了。We would like to speak to you in private. 我们想私下与你谈谈。She'd promised to give him driving lessons, on the quiet, when no one could see.她已经保证要在别人看不见的时候私下教他开车。The group always met in private.这群人总是私下密会。Staff were whispering that the company was about to go out of business.员工私下在传,说公司要倒闭了。I had not talked to Winnette privately for weeks.我好几个星期没有和温尼特私下谈过话了。Her public stance was much tougher than her private feelings on the subject.在这个问题上,她公开的立场比她私下的态度要强硬得多。May I speak with you privately?我能私下和你谈一谈吗?Her public and private personas are at variance.她在公众和私下表现出的人格面貌并不一致。He is working backstage to gain support for his plan.为争取人们支持他的计划,他正私下进行活动。I'll have a quiet word with him.我要和他私下谈谈。If you advertise privately, you may pitch the price too low.你要是私下做广告,可能会将价格定得过低。They can't offer us a sweetheart deal on the rental fees we pay.在租金问题上他们不可能私下给我们优惠。Let me speak to him in private.让我私下和他谈谈。Between you, me, and the gatepost, he wasn't very happy about it.咱们私下说说,他对这事不太满意。Today, we no longer gasp when we hear a teenage girl is pregnant or whisper about unmarried couples who live together.今天,我们听到未成年少女怀孕时不会再感到惊讶,也不会再去私下谈论谁谁未婚同居。Strictly off the record, my feeling is that we are going to lose the election.只是私下说说,我感觉我们这次要落选了。Union representatives are huddling to discuss the proposal.工会代表正私下开会讨论这一提议。




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