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词汇 私事
例句 The senator's relationship with her family is a private matter - why put it on the front page of The Post?那位参议员同她家人的关系是私事—为什么要把这搬到《邮报》的头版上去?He claims that the government is improperly prying into his affairs.他宣称政府在不正当地窥探他的私事I would not, if I were you, be inclined to discuss private business with the landlady.我要是你,就不会跟房东太太谈私事She was given a paid day off to deal with some personal matters.她被允许带薪休假一天去处理一些私事His affairs were none of her concern.他的私事与她无关。She rambled on about her uninteresting affairs.她没完没了地聊着她那些平淡无趣的私事When she said I was interfering, I was a bit put out.她说我是在干涉私事,我感到有点恼火。We are friends, but I don't know much about their private affairs.我们是朋友,但我不大了解他们的私事They don't like having their personal problems paraded in print for everyone to see.他们不喜欢自己的私事被报刊登载,让公众知晓。They poked into his private affairs.他们干涉他的私事Employees must on no account make personal phone calls from the office.员工无论如何不能因为私事使用办公室电话。He's perpetually interfering in our affairs!他老是干涉我们的私事It's a private matter between the two of them, and I don't think we should get involved.这是他们俩之间的私事,我觉得我们不应该介入。Don't poke into my private affairs.不要干涉我的私事Don't question me about my personal business!不要问我个人的私事Her inquisitive nature got her into trouble more than once.她爱打听他人私事的天性使她不止一次招来麻烦。Lou's a very private person - I don't know anything about her family.卢极不喜欢谈论私事—我对她的家庭一无所知。It was clear that she wanted to discuss some private matter.很显然,她想谈些私事He had the indiscretion to talk about family matters in front of strangers.他轻率得在陌生人面前谈论家庭私事It's not for me to pass judgement, it's a personal matter between the two of you.不该由我来说三道四,这是你们两个人之间的私事I wouldn't trust him with anything personal - he can be very indiscreet.我不会把私事告诉他,他这个人口没遮拦。He's rather secret about his private affairs.他对个人私事一向嘴紧。She's one of these people who is always poking her nose into other people's business.她属于那种老爱打听别人私事的人。She was very inquisitive about other people's affairs.她太爱打听别人的私事He had no compunction about interfering in her private affairs.他对干涉她的私事良心并无不安。I don't want you telling our private business to all and sundry.我不希望你把我们的私事和别人讲。It felt too personal to tell you.此事完全属于私事,不能告诉你。Stop meddling in my personal affairs.别再干预我的私事We do not want people prying into our affairs.我们不希望别人窥探我们的私事Could I talk to you about a personal matter?我能和你谈件私事吗?This place is too public for talk about our personal affairs.这地方人多眼杂不宜谈论我们的私事He was rational and consistent in the conduct of his affairs.他处理私事时头脑清楚,始终如一。They were embarrassed at his indiscretion in talking about family matters in front of strangers.他轻率地在陌生人面前大谈家庭私事,这使他们感到难堪。It's a private matter. I wish you wouldn't tell the whole world about it!这是私事,我希望你不要满世界地说!I'm not going to tell you that - it's personal!我不会告诉你那件事的一—那是私事It's not for me to pass judgment, it's a personal matter between the two of you.这是你们俩之间的私事,我不该说三道四。I don't like people nosing around in my private affairs.我不喜欢人们到处打探我的私事I don't want to probe too deeply into your personal affairs.我不想过多打探你的私事Alexander took this as an oblique reference to his own affairs.亚历山大认为这是在含沙射影地指向他的私事No one wants the government sticking its nose into the personal affairs of citizens.没人愿意政府打探公民的私事




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