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例句 Talent and industry should yield their just return.天才和勤奋当产生应有的成果。Many refugees are living in appalling conditions, without clean water and proper sanitation.许多难民生活在条件很差的地方,没有洁净的水和应有的卫生设施。He defaulted in the quarter-finals with a back injury.在四分之一决赛中,他由于背部受伤而未能发挥应有的作用。The threat is not being treated with the gravity it deserves.恐吓没有得到应有的重视。But you don't always get what you deserve.但人们并不总是得到应有的回报。I threw caution to the winds and followed him.我把应有的谨慎都抛诸脑后,跟踪起他来。The arresting officer failed to inform the suspect of his rights.执行逮捕的警官没有告知嫌疑犯应有的权利。He told the delegation that encampment of Renamo troops will not begin until the group gets its share of the aid.他告诉代表团,莫桑比克全国抵抗运动组织的部队在获得应有的援助前将不会扎营。Environmental considerations were given due weight in making the decision.作决定时,环境因素得到了应有的重视。It is heartening that this issue is finally getting the attention it deserves.令人兴奋的是,这个问题终于开始受到其应有的注意。Tobin finally got his just deserts, and was sentenced to 8 years’ imprisonment.托宾最终得到了应有的下场,被判了八年徒刑。The aircraft bumped along erratically without gathering anything like sufficient speed.飞机忽上忽下,飞行很不平稳,根本未达到应有的速度。He handled it with due care.他以应有的小心处理这事。It is the embodiment of everything a city park should be.这个公园具有一个城市公园所应有的一切特征。If you want the real McCoy, then you have to look out for the sign of the ducal crown which signifies the approved product.如果你想要真货,那你就得留意看上面是否有认证产品应有的公爵冠冕标识。He chastened reporters after the match for not giving players due respect.他在赛后谴责记者们没有给运动员以应有的尊重。He is the exact antithesis of what I find attractive in men.我认为男性应有的魅力他一点都没有。Stuart doesn't have the backbone to be a good manager.斯图尔特不具备一个优秀管理人员应有的毅力。The committee acknowledges that mentally ill people in the community are not receiving the care and treatment they need.委员会承认,社区中有精神病的人没有得到应有的照顾和治疗。What is the proper protocol for declining a job offer?拒绝工作邀请时应有的礼节是什么?His promotion was a fitting climax to a worthy career.升职是他有价值的职业生涯中一个应有的高潮。Parents are often too busy, tired, or preoccupied to give their children the time and attention they need.家长们往往太忙太累,或者烦心的事儿太多,不能给予孩子应有的时间和关心。The performance didn't have the panache you expect from a chart-topping rock band.这次演出没有表现出一个高居榜首的摇滚乐队应有的神气。Women are sometimes denied opportunities solely because of their gender.女性有时会单纯因性别而被剥夺应有的机会。The BBC must ensure that due impartiality is preserved in its news programmes.英国广播公司必须确保其新闻节目保持应有的公正。This is a movie in which everyone gets their just deserts in the end.这部影片中所有人最终都得到了应有的下场。I envisage a day when proper health care will be available to everyone.我想象有一天每个人都能享有应有的医疗服务。I don't feel sorry for her at all. She had it coming.我一点也不为她感到难过。这是她应有的下场。We proceeded with due caution.我们以应有的谨慎进行着。He showed the gritty determination that we've come to expect from him.他不负所望,表现出了应有的坚毅和果敢。There's a feeling among the nursing profession that their work is undervalued.护理人员认为他们的工作未得到应有的重视。His attitude shows a want of proper respect.他的态度中缺少一份应有的尊重。These people work hard, and they deserve an honest wage. 这些人工作卖力,理应得到应有的报酬。Children who leave school unable to read and write are being tragically shortchanged.那些没学会读书写字就离开学校的孩子是不幸的,他们没有受到应有的教育。The most telling condemnation of the system was that it failed to fulfil its function.对这一制度最有力的谴责是它没能发挥其应有的作用。I do expect reasonable politeness and consideration.我真的期待得到应有的礼遇和体贴。Let's stay calm and try to behave like responsible adults.让我们冷静下来,行事尽量拿出成年人应有的明辨是非的能力。Several local news programs reported the rumor, but the city newspaper took the high road and waited to see if anyone could confirm the story.当地几个电视新闻节目报道了这个谣传,但该市报业媒体体现出了应有的职业道德,静观是否有人能够确认这一报道。The decision reached has due regard for the safety of the public.作出的决策对公共安全给予了应有的关注。His performance was totally lacking in any sense of occasion.他的表演完全缺乏所应有的那种现场感。




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