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例句 The job gave her the chance to apply the knowledge she had acquired at college.这项工作使她有机会应用在大学所学到的知识。Teachers have to apply in the classroom the insights that they gain in educational courses.教师必须把自己在教育课程中学到的知识应用到课堂教学之中。Simon's book provides a succinct outline of artificial intelligence and its application to robotics.西蒙的书简明扼要地概括了人工智能及其在机器人技术方面的应用Some preliminary applications of the partial derivative in proving inequalities are also given.并给出了偏导数在不等式证明中的一些简单应用Now there are literally thousands of companies using our software.如今确切地说有数千家公司在应用我们的软件。An area in which the computer has made considerable strides in recent years is in playing chess.近年来,计算机应用取得长足进步的一个领域是国际象棋。Nano trousers are just one application of the technology.纳米裤子只是这种技术的一个应用实例。We fall far short in applying what we know.我们还远远未能应用我们的知识。Research opportunities exist in a wide range of pure and applied areas of entomology.纯理论昆虫学和应用昆虫学的众多领域都存在着研究机会。The possible applications of this invention are limitless.这发明可以应用的范围是无限的。The research has a wide range of potential applications.该研究潜在的应用范围很广。The houses will boast the latest energy-saving technology.这些房屋将应用最新的节能技术。Extensive exploration was carried out using the latest drilling technology.人们应用最新的钻井技术进行了广泛的勘探。The guide helps newbies understand the the latest social networking sites and apps.这本指南帮助网络新手了解社交网络的网址与应用The techniques are being applied almost everywhere by big and small firms alike.无论在大公司还是小公司,这些技术的应用几乎无处不在。He applies the Marxist world view dogmatically to all social phenomena.他将马克思主义的世界观教条地应用到所有的社会现象中去。The use of computer technology has spread into all fields of work.计算机技术的应用已普及各个领域。If you have a good memory you can learn things by rote, but can you apply it in practice?如果你记性好,学东西可以死记硬背,但是死记硬背的东西可以在实际中应用吗?How could he apply his academic expertise to practical matters?他是如何将学术知识应用到实践中的?The principle of market forces was applied to some of the country's most revered institutions.市场运作的规律被应用到该国某些最具影响力的机构。The application of the law was extended farther.这条法律的应用范围进一步扩大了。New technology cannot be used successfully if it is simply imposed on an unwilling workforce.如果工人不愿意使用新技术却强迫他们使用,新技术是不能得到成功应用的。The report draws upon several recent studies.这份报告应用了好几项最新研究成果。We have now computerized the application process.我们现在已经将应用过程计算机化了。The researchers hope their bioplastics' compatibility with the human body will lead to various medical applications.研究人员希望生物塑料与人体的兼容性能够在医学上多方应用Whether the new technique is to be boon or bane depends upon how it is used.这项新技术带来的是利还是弊,要看如何应用它。It is more difficult to apply the principles to famous modern buildings which look like a total rethink.把这些原理应用到那些看上去以全新思路设计的著名现代建筑物上去更为困难。This method has proved the most generally useful.结果证明这种方法应用范围最广。The control panel uses all the newest technology and is considered state-of-the-art.控制板应用了所有的最新技术,被认为是最先进的。The technique has wide/limited application. 这项技术具有广泛/有限的应用价值。The trial judge had applied an incorrect principle of law.审判官应用了一条错误的法律原则。Clothes shouldn't be made of inflammable material.衣服不应用易燃的衣料做。As this infographic shows, more money is made from selling apps than from selling smartphones.按这张图表所示,卖手机应用比卖手机更赚钱。Strict application of the rules is necessary in this case.严格地应用规则在本案中是必要的。The use of computers has made it possible for more people to work from home.计算机的应用使更多人在家办公成为可能。The disks are designed for professional applications, rather than the consumer market.这些光盘是为专业应用而非消费市场设计的。He was hailed for putting advanced theoretical research into practical use.他由于把先进的理论研究应用到实际中去而受到热情赞扬。Advances in battery technology would enable more widespread use of solar energy.电池技术的进步会使太阳能的应用更为广泛。The product employed the technology of computer emulation of human speech.这个产品应用电脑模拟真人发声的技术。She now had to transfer her design skills to a commercial environment.如今她得把自己的设计技能应用到商业中。




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