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词汇 indulge in
例句 They indulge in teenage fantasies about being the greatest rock band in the world.他们沉浸在少年的幻想中,觉得自己成了世界上最了不起的摇滚乐队。She indulged in dreams of living in a palace.她沉溺于生活在宫殿的梦想中。We indulged in a little phatic communion and were about to part.我们东拉西扯地寒暄一阵之后,准备分手了。He indulges in reminiscences of his youth.他完全沉溺于对青年时代的回忆中。She deprives herself of food, and then indulges in eating binges.她先是克制自己不吃东西,然后又开始暴饮暴食。Women do not indulge in crime to the same extent as men.妇女参与犯罪的程度不如男人。Don't indulge in the luxury of discontent.不要一味地不满足。The veil is worn to remind you not to indulge in lust.佩戴面纱是为了提醒你不要沉湎于肉欲。Members of the cabinet indulged in favouritism.内阁成员们一味偏袒。He confessed that he had indulged in affairs with several women.他坦言自己曾经沉迷于与几位女子的风流韵事中。When she got paid, she indulged in an orgy of spending.她拿到薪水后便放任自己尽情消费。She indulged in a bit of retail therapy.她有点儿沉迷于购物疗法。Only rarely will she indulge in a glass of wine.她只是偶尔喝一杯葡萄酒。She indulged in an orgy of spending.她爱好大把大把地花钱。Most of us were too busy to indulge in heavy lunchtime drinking.我们大多数人都忙得不行,哪有时间在午饭时贪杯。This is no time to indulge in sarcasm.现在可不是一味讽刺挖苦的时候。Don't indulge in rich sauces, fried food and thick pastry as these are high in fat.不要吃太多浓酱汁、油炸食品和甜腻的油酥点心,因为这些食品的脂肪含量很高。She indulged in a fit of temper.她任性地发了一通脾气。At university he wrote a bit, did a touch of acting, and indulged in internal college politics.在大学期间他写了点儿东西,接触过一些表演,并且热衷参与校内政治活动。I think for a brief while I indulged in a very mild form of stalking.我觉得有那么一小段时间我稍稍有点沉迷于跟踪别人。I was downtown, so I decided to indulge in a little shopping.我在城里,于是决定尽情买点东西。Once in a while he indulged in a bottle of good wine.他偶尔也享受一下,喝上一瓶好酒。I occasionally indulge in a cigarette.我偶尔抽支烟享受一下。Some British public figures have indulged in breastbeating about colonialism.一些英国公众人物肆意显露自己对殖民主义的愧疚。Guests can indulge in a private barbecue on the deck.客人们可以在露天平台上享用私家烤肉野餐。Those who are overweight or indulge in high-salt diets are candidates for hypertension.体重偏高或口味偏咸者易患高血压。Most people indulge in harmless fantasies to relieve the boredom of their lives.大部分人都会沉迷于一些无害的幻想来缓解生活的沉闷。Eva had never been one to indulge in self-pity.伊娃从不是那种沉湎于自怜自哀的人。For our anniversary, we indulged in an expensive dinner.为庆祝结婚周年,我们纵情享用了一顿昂贵的晩餐。He rarely gets time to indulge in leisure activities.他很少有时间享受休闲活动。The prince indulged in luxury.那位王子奢靡无度。Both candidates have promised not to indulge in further personal attacks for the remainder of the campaign.两位候选人都已承诺,在接下来的竞选活动中不再进行人身攻击。She was free to indulge in a little romantic daydreaming.她肆意沉迷于风花雪月的白日梦中。




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