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词汇 barge
例句 They were sailing down the river on a barge.他们正乘驳船沿河行驶。Students tried to barge into the building.学生们试图冲进大楼。What makes him think he can barge in here like that?他凭什么认为自己可以这样鲁莽地冲进来?Carrying goods by train costs a lot more than carrying them by barge.用铁路运送货物的成本比用驳船高很多。The barge had an overload of cargo.那艘驳船装运货物超载。They travel by barge.他们乘游船旅行。Students tried to barge into the secretariat buildings.学生们试图闯进秘书处的办公大楼。I'm sorry to barge in like this, but I have a problem I hope you can solve.很抱歉这样打扰您,但是我有个问题希望您能解决。Ice floes hamper barge traffic on the Elbe River.大片浮冰妨碍了易北河上的驳船交通。Eric left the barge in a hurry.埃里克匆忙离开了驳船。We spent the summer cruising the canals of France in a barge.整个夏天我们乘游船游览了法国多条运河。My nephew wants me to invest in his business, but frankly I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.我侄子想让我在他的公司里投资,但是坦白地说,我不想与他有瓜葛。The barge was already on tow behind the ship.驳船已经被拖带在轮船后面了。Oil leaking from a barge in the Mississippi River poses a hazard to the drinking water of New Orleans.密西西比河上一艘驳船发生漏油,对新奥尔良的饮用水构成了威胁。At the crucial moment, the barge would not go astern.在关键时刻,驳船不能向后驶。She wants to cruise the canals of France in a barge.她想乘驳船游览法国的运河。The barge had a rounded bow and stern.这条驳船的船头和船尾都是圆的。The kids just barge in without knocking.孩子们没有敲门就直接闯了进来。When the barge reached the shrine, acolytes removed the pall.当驳船抵达圣地时,辅祭除去了柩衣。The barge had a rounded bow and stern.这艘驳船的两端都是圆形的。Sorry to barge in, but I couldn't help overhearing what you were saying.对不起打断一下,我刚才碰巧听见了你们的谈话。He would barge into them and kick them in the shins.他会冲撞他们,踢他们的小腿。She had moored her barge on the right bank of the river.她把驳船停泊在河右岸。I'm sorry to barge in on you like this.很抱歉这样闯进来打扰你。The water level had risen so much that her barge had been in danger of being marooned on the towpath.水位已涨得很高,她的驳船随时会困在拉船道上。The barge moved slowly along the canal.驳船沿着运河缓缓航行。




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