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词汇 inducement
例句 I gave him money as an inducement to leave.我给他钱促使他离开。Every inducement is offered to train swimmers as life-savers.为把游泳者训练成救生员,各种各样具有引诱力的优厚条件被提了出来。Reward is an inducement to effort.报酬是促使人们努力的诱因。I don't think the tax reduction will be an inducement to save more.我认为减税并不能刺激人们多储蓄。The prices are the main inducement - everything is much cheaper here than at the mall.价格是最大的诱惑—这里的所有东西都比购物中心便宜得多。This measure is a significant inducement to growth.这是促进增长的重要措施。The reduced tax is a major inducement for first-time buyers.减税对首次购买者有很大的吸引力。The government want to use this as an inducement for developing countries to open up their markets.该政府想以此来促使发展中国家开放市场。The higher payments were offered as an inducement.开出了更高的报酬作为动力。Employers offer early promotion as an inducement to stay.雇主们把快速晋升作为留住员工的激励措施。Employees were offered a bonus as an inducement to finish the project on schedule.已向员工承诺一份奖金,以激励他们按期完成该项目。The inducement of philosophy was that it freed one from a sense of enslavement to circumstance.哲学的吸引力在于它使人摆脱受环境奴役之感。They will have to offer the inducement of a higher rate of interest.他们将不得不提高利率来作为刺激措施。The car was given as an inducement.这辆汽车被作为奖励发放。They offer every inducement to foreign businesses to invest in their states.他们为外国企业提供种种优厚条件,以吸引这些企业到他们所在的州投资。The low interest rate was little inducement for individuals to save money.低利率难以鼓励个人储蓄。His voters are likely to come out in a blizzard, but mine are likely to need some inducement.他的选民可能会踊跃参与投票,而我的选民则可能需要做一些劝说。Hypnosis is the deliberate inducement of a state of trance in which suggestion can be especially effective.催眠是有意引发的昏睡状态,在这种状态下,暗示会格外有效。Those tenants are not going to swap lifetime security for shorter-term leases without some inducement.没有什么好处的话,那些佃户是不会用终生的保障换取较短期的租契的。A large, open market is a strong inducement to foreign investment.一个开放的大市场会强有力地刺激外国投资。




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