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Visually impaired people orient themselves by touch.有视觉障碍的人通过触觉确定自己的方位。Fatigue impaired their judgment.疲劳削弱了他们的判断力。The police charged him with impaired driving.警方指控他酒后驾驶。The output of produce was impaired by the cold weather.农产品由于天气寒冷而减产。If internal timbers are removed, the strength of the roof will be seriously impaired.如果把里面的木材拿掉,屋顶的坚固程度就会大大降低。The accident impaired his vision.事故损伤了他的视力。Of those who survived, most were sick, physically maimed, or mentally impaired.活下来的那些人中,大都非病即残,或者是精神上受到损害。His impaired foot pained him sharply.他那只受伤的脚使他感到剧烈的疼痛。All programmes are signed for the hearing-impaired.所有节目都为听觉障碍患者提供了手语翻译。It is barbaric to put mentally impaired criminals to death.将智障罪犯处死是野蛮行为。Poor food impaired her health.粗劣的食物损害了她的健康。Visually impaired people have as much right to full access to educational courses as anyone else.有视力障碍者和任何人一样,都有修读教育课程的权利。Years of smoking had impaired his health.长年吸烟损害了他的健康。Deaf people get no acoustic feedback when they talk, so their speech is often impaired.耳聋的人说话时得不到听觉反馈,所以他们的言语能力往往都有障碍。A recurring knee injury may have impaired his chances of winning the tournament.复发的膝伤可能降低了他在锦标赛中获胜的机会。The disease causes impaired vision/hearing in elderly people.这种疾病致使老年人的视力/听力减弱。The hearing-impaired say digital phones interfere with hearing aids.听觉障碍者反映数字电话会对助听器造成干扰。The blast left him with permanently impaired hearing.爆炸造成他的听力永久性损伤。Some hearing-impaired children may work harder to overcome their handicap.一些有听障的儿童可能需要花更大的力气来克服这一缺陷。Signing is provided for the hearing-impaired.手势示意是为听力受损者准备的。They had gravely impaired the credibility of the government.他们严重地损害了政府的信誉。Rubella infection can lead to impaired hearing.感染德国麻疹会导致听力受损。If circulation is impaired, the body cannot lose excess heat.如果循环系统受损,身体就不能散发出多余的热量。The blast left him with permanently impaired hearing.爆炸使他的听力永久受损。His digestion had been impaired by his recent illness.由于近期的疾病,他的消化能力减弱了。His memory was so impaired by age that he often forgot where he was.他的记忆力因年龄严重衰退,常常忘记自己在哪里。Her liver function was severely impaired.她的肝脏功能严重受损。A hearing aid is a necessary auxiliary to those whose hearing is impaired.助听器对听觉受损者是必要的辅助物。Nicole has suffered since birth from impaired sight as a result of cerebral palsy.妮科尔患有脑瘫,一生下来就有视力障碍。The illness had impaired his ability to think and concentrate.这种疾病损害了他的思维能力和注意力。His memory is impaired.他记忆力受损。Each lecture will be translated by the signer for the benefit of hearing impaired students.每堂课都将由会手语的人翻译,以方便有听力障碍的学生。Instructions can also be obained in Braille for the visually impaired.说明书还提供了盲文版本,方便有视力障碍者使用。His movements were painfully impaired by arthritis.他行动不便,深受关节炎之苦。 |