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例句 Voters are disillusioned with the mud-slinging campaigns run by many candidates.选民们对很多候选人在竞选活动中互相诋毁深感失望。Westerners charged that the party was run by an unholy coalition between North and South.西部人指责说该党被北方和南方不同寻常的联盟所操控。The shop is run by a mixture of volunteers and paid staff.该店由志愿者和拿工资的员工共同经营。The club was run by Miss Ivy Streeter.这家俱乐部是由艾薇·斯特里特小姐经营的。The country is run by an autocratic government/ruler.这个国家受独裁政府/统治者统治。Jan Roberts weaves a compelling tale which traps a young woman in a world run by the Mafia.简·罗伯茨编了一个引人入胜的故事,诱骗一位年轻女性进入了黑手党的地盘。The meeting was ably run by the chairman.主席巧妙地掌握会议。Both authors labour under the strange delusion that the world is run by feminists.两位作者都有种奇怪的错觉,认为世界是由女权主义者掌控的。The army is run by a few hardline generals.军队由一些走强硬路线的将领所掌管。The hospital tea bar is run by volunteers.医院的茶吧是由志愿者经营的。Many of the shops were run by Asians.许多商店都是亚洲人经营的。The Port Authority is an agency jointly run by New York and New Jersey.港务局是由纽约州和新泽西州共同管理的机构。Economic policy in Europe should not be run by an unaccountable committee of governors of central banks.欧洲经济政策不应由不负责任的央行行长委员会来执行。She set up phantom companies run by her relations.她成立了几家由其亲属管理的影子公司。The business is jointly owned and run by six TV companies.这家公司由六家电视公司共同拥有和管理。The service is run by volunteers who give up their free time.这个服务机构是由牺牲自己空余时间的志愿者们操办的。This particular place was run by an ex-Army colonel.这个地方以前由一位前陆军上校经管。Many people belong to a pension scheme run by their employers.许多人参加了由雇主管理的养老金计划。The Sky News TV station is largely run by ex-BBC news staffers.空中新闻电视台主要是由原英国广播公司的新闻工作人员运作的。Men never notice anything in a house run by their womenfolk.男人从来不注意家里由女人操持的事情。The company is run by a benevolent despot.这家公司由一位仁慈的掌门人经营。The lifeboat service is run by a team of dedicated volunteers.救生艇服务由一队敬业的志愿者营办。We have no pastor at present: the church is run by five deacons.我们目前没有牧师:教会的事是由五位执事管理的。Many nongovernmental charities are run by religious groups.许多非政府慈善机构是由宗教团体管理的。After the coup, the military junta was run by a troika.政变之后,这个国家的军政府是由一个三人小组掌控。The service is run by trained nurses.这项服务由受过训练的护士提供。The hotel was run by an eagle-eyed old man who knew everything about all the guests.那旅馆是由一位目光敏锐的老人经营的,他对所有的客人都了如指掌。The company is run by a bunch of dullards.这家公司由一帮蠢材经营着。The accepted wisdom is that public services are best run by governments.公认的看法是公共服务由政府管理是最好的。Voters are disillusioned with the mud-slinging campaigns run by many candidates in recent years.选民们对近几年很多候选人在竞选活动中互相诋毁深感失望。The country has long been run by plutocrats.该国长期以来一直受财阀统治。The country is being run by an interim prime minister, Jean-Claude Cousin.该国正由临时首相琼一克劳德·卡曾管理。She signed on for a quick and concentrated course in the basics of nursing run by the Red Cross.她报名参加了红十字会举办的护理基础强化速成班的学习。The king is merely a figurehead; the government is really run by elected officials.国王只是一个名义上的首脑,政府实际由当选的官员管理。Authority is so splintered that the group seems to be run by nobody.权力如此分散,小组的事情好像是没人管似的。




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