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例句 I'll speak to him if the occasion arises.如有机会,我会跟他谈的。All staff are expected to do some overtime, if the need arises.如有必要的话,所有员工都要加班。The birds also attack crops when the opportunity arises.一有机会鸟儿们也会破坏庄稼。These animals don't like water but will swim if the necessity arises.这些动物不喜水,但必要时会游泳。When a conflict arises in the workplace, you should aim to repair the relationship as quickly as possible.工作场所里发生冲突,就应该尽快努力修复关系。Ambiguity arises when students' spoken English is very limited.学生英语会话水平有限就容易产生歧义。This question will be resolved when the occasion arises.出现这种情况时,问题会被解决的。If ever the occasion arises when I want advice, you're the first person I'll come to.如果我需要建议的话,我第一个就来找你。The difficulty arises from the fact that there has been insufficient time to train new staff.这困难是因为没有足够的时间对新员工进行培训而产生的。An opportunity as good as this arises once in a lifetime.像这样好的机会可是千载难逢呀。With a share portfolio you can sell off a portion if the need arises.如有股票投资组合,必要时可以低价抛售一部分。Jobs will be created as/when the need arises. 当工作需求出现时,工作机会就被创造出来了。Language may be conceived of as a process which arises from social interaction.可以这么认为,语言是由于社交而产生的一个过程。It's always best to anticipate a problem before it arises.防患于未然永远都是最明智之举。He'll never learn German until the necessity arises.直到非要用德语时他才会去学。It would be best to deal with these issues at once, before a crisis arises.这些问题最好马上处理,免得发生危机。He doesn't have a ground plan - he just makes decisions as the need arises.他做事没有计划,只是什么时候需要了才临时作决定。He enjoys taking pot shots at the government whenever the opportunity arises.一有机会他就对政府肆意批评。We will deal with that if the situation arises.如果出现那种情况我们会处理的。Low achievement at school often arises from poverty and bad social conditions.在学校里成绩不好往往是贫困和不良社会环境造成的。You can always call me at home if the need arises.如果有必要,你可以随时给我家里打电话。The river arises from two main sources.这条河来自两个主要的源头。Having identified the problem, the question arises of how to overcome it.发现问题以后,就产生了怎样解决的问题。If the occasion arises, I'll ask for your help.如果有事我会请你帮忙的。Any unexpected circumstance that arises may catalyze a sudden escalation of violence.任何突如其来的情况都可能造成暴力骤然升级。Violence typically arises out of anger.暴力通常是由怒气引起的。




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