例句 |
The people formed a human chain to pass the supplies up the beach.人们排成一列把供给品送上岸。Protesters formed a human chain around the ancient tree to prevent it from being cut down.抗议者在古树周围围成一道人墙阻止其被砍伐。The security guards formed a human chain in front of the crowd.保安在人群前面搭成了一条人链。Everyone held hands and formed a human chain.所有人手拉手组成一条人链。Students tried to form a human chain around the parliament.学生们试图围绕议会大厦组成一条人链。Students tried to form a human chain around the parliament.学生们试图在议会四周围成人墙。Firefighters formed a human chain to carry the brothers to safety.消防队员们组成了人链把几兄弟救到了安全的地方。 |