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词汇 drift away
例句 In his later years, he drifted away from politics.他晚年逐渐远离了政治。The rain ceased and the clouds drifted away.雨停了,云散了。After ten years of marriage,the husband drifted away from his wife's views.结婚10年后,丈夫与妻子在看法上开始发生分歧。The wreckage slowly drifted away.残骸慢慢漂走了。People drifted away after the concert.音乐会后人们渐渐离去了。The others drifted away. Melanie stayed.其他人都散去了,唯有梅拉妮留了下来。It was a time of trial. Money was short, and friends drifted away.那些日子真是艰难,手头缺钱花,朋友们又都不来往了。As children grow up, they drift away from their parents' views.孩子们长大了,开始同父母的看法不一致了。The crowd began to drift away.人群开始散开。The boat was cut loose from the pier and allowed to drift away.小船系在码头上的缆绳被人割断了,漂走了。He drifted away like the lost soul he is.他形单影只地慢慢离开了。The conversation drifted away from babies.话题不知不觉离开了婴孩。




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