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词汇 how far
例句 It would depend how far down the line the relationship was.这得视这一关系到底发展到了什么程度而定。She is probably trying it on to see how far she can go with you.她或许是在耍花招,来看看她和你能发展到什么程度。It's remarkable to think of how far she's come since she started her career.想想她开始职业生涯以来取得的成就真是不同凡响。Though the shoreline could be dimly seen, it was impossible to judge how far away it was.尽管可以朦胧地看到海岸线,但要判断距离有多远是不可能的。The sensors measure how far the bomb has penetrated through a bunker.传感器测量出炸弹穿透掩体有多深。It is a mark of how far we have changed in a mere century.这标志着我们在短短一个世纪的时间里就发生了多么大的变化。You lived to tell the tale this time but who knows how far you can push your luck.你这次算是逃过了一劫,不过谁知道你的运气还会持续多久呢?You can only judge how high something is when you know how far away it is.知道了某物的距离才能判断其高度。Think of how far we have come in a little time.想想我们在短短的时间内取得如此大的进展。Let's see how far you can throw.咱来看看你能投多远。He seemed oblivious to how far they were walking.他似乎不觉得他们已经走得多远了。They couldn't tell exactly how far away the bridge was.他们说不清那座桥确切有多远。The comparison will show how far politicians' views reflect those of the citizens.比较报告将表明政治家的观点在多大程度上反映了市民的观点。I wonder how far we've walked today.我不知道我们今天已经走了多远。The latest opinion polls show how far the government's popularity has fallen.最新的民意测验表明政府受欢迎程度降低的情况。I didn't know how far to trust him.我不知道该相信他到什么程度。That is a measure of how far we have progressed.这说明了我们的进度情况。There should be some identification of goals, and how far these have been achieved.应该对目标加以明确,并确认完成情况。She didn't know how far to trust him. 她不知道可以信任他到什么程度。We want to stress just how far the committee has progressed.我们只想强调委员会的进展情况。Parallel lines will never meet no matter how far extended.无论延伸多长,平行线永不相交。I don't care how far I'll have to go.无论多远,我都不在乎。But it is not clear how far they could help with the work on a power plant.但他们在电厂工程中能给予多少帮助尚不清楚。It's still not clear how far the Russian parliament will go to implement its own plans.俄罗斯议院在实施自己的计划时到底会采取怎样的极端措施尚不明了。It is difficult to comprehend how far away the stars are.很难理解星星有多远。




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