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词汇 horses
例句 She admits that she occasionally bets on horses.她承认自己有时也赌马。Besides going to aerobics twice a week, she rides horses on Saturdays.除了一周两次有氧操,她星期六还骑马。These investment arrangements could be Trojan horses for anti-competitive monopolies.这些投资方案对于反对竞争的垄断企业来说可能是特洛伊木马,后患无穷。Staff officers galloped fine horses down the road.参谋官们骑着骏马一路疾驰而去。Don't be tempted into betting money on the horses.不要受人诱惑去赌马。The horses are away.那些马开始跑起来了。Among his many hobbies was the breeding of fine horses.他诸多爱好之一是饲养骏马良驹。The horses were led into the stable and each put in a stall.马被牵入马棚,每匹马都分放在各自的栏内。John gambled heavily on the horses.约翰在这几匹马上下了很大的赌注。The horses are in the homestretch.那些赛马进入了最后一个直道。Lassos are used particularly by cowboys to catch cattle and horses.套索是牛仔专门用来套捕牛和马的工具。He is described as an introverted teenager, with a love of horses.据说他是一个性格内向的少年,很喜欢马。She races cars/horses for a living.她以赛车/赛马为生。Between them, they train over fifty horses in Lambourn.他们在兰伯恩总共驯了五十多匹马。There were six stalls for horses in the stable.马厩里有六个栏。The panic-stricken horses crashed through the door of the burning barn.受惊的马匹从着火的马棚里破门而出。The horses set off up the lane at a round trot.马儿们沿着小巷轻快地小跑起来。He lived alone, breeding horses and dogs.他独自一人生活,饲养马匹和狗。The horses ran at full pelt round the track.马沿着跑道全速奔跑。Marian had a win on one of her horses.玛丽安有一匹马赌赢了。It's horses for courses, you need to get an expert to do the job.不同的人适合的工作不同,你得找个在行的干这活。There are a lot of good horses in the race, but Archimedes would be my pick.比赛中有很多好马,不过我最看好阿基米德。He placed a bet on one of the horses.他在其中一匹马身上下了赌注。I find it terrifying to be surrounded by large numbers of horses.我觉得被一大群马包围着很恐怖。Traders came to barter horses.商人们前来用马匹交换其他物品。The two horses are running neck and neck.两匹马跑得难分高下。They stalled the horses for the night.他们把马关在马厩里过夜。The horses are always eager for exercise after the close confinement of the stables.马匹被挤在一起关在马厩里,出来之后总是急不可待地想活动一下。The horses are sold for a pittance.这些马很便宜就卖了。Germany may well emerge as dark horses for a competition many think is beyond their reach at present.德国队很可能会成为比赛中的黑马,尽管目前许多人认为他们还不具备那么强的实力。The Queen's carriage was pulled by two white horses.女王的马车由两匹白马拉着。The frightened horses snorted and ran.受惊的马呼哧呼哧喷着气奔跑。The horses came to a halt, steam streaming from their nostrils.这些马停了下来,鼻孔喷着热气。Leather overshoes were put on the horses' hooves to stop them marking the turf.马蹄上套了皮套子,以免在赛马场上踩出印子。She spoke more feelingly of her horses than she did of her own children.她说起马来比说起她的孩子还有感情。The stable boys exercise the horses every morning.马童每天早上驯马。They loaded the packs onto the horses.他们将包裹放到几匹马的背上。The two most fancied horses finished last.那两匹最热门的马落在了最后。Wild horses wouldn't drag it from him.什么都不会让它和他分离。They tethered the horses in the shade.他们把马都拴在了阴凉处。




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