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例句 The building's future remained in doubt until the government agreed to restore it.这栋大楼的未来一直不确定,直到后来政府同意修缮。She didn't realize how important schoolwork was until it was too late.她没有意识到学业有多重要,等到后来觉悟,却为时已晚。It seemed like a one-way ticket to riches, but then it all went wrong.这看起来是一举致富的良机,但到后来所有的一切都出了岔子。It was only later that I realized my mistake.到后来才认识到我的错误。If we get too far behind/off schedule we will not be able to catch up later.如果我们落后于计划太多,到后来就会赶不及。The movie then flashes forward to their daughter's fifth birthday.影片接着跳到后来叙述他们女儿五岁生日的时候。I had no inkling of his real purpose until much later.到后来很久我才对他的真实目的略知一二。He came round for a coffee and we ended up in bed together.他是来喝咖啡的,到后来我们却上了床。Gail started the project with a lot of energy and enthusiasm, but at some point she just ran out of steam.盖尔在项目开始时充满了精力和热情,但到后来她就泄气了。The visit developed into a permanency.短期作客到后来变成了常住。His physical exercises grew fewer and fewer, then tapered into nothingness.他做体操的次数愈来愈少,到后来就一次也不做了。We ended up having to postpone our vacation.到后来我们只得推迟了假期。Only later did we realize the true significance of his remark.我们直到后来才明白他的话的真正含意。It was only later that the drug was shown to be addictive.到后来才证明该药是会成瘾的。The team seemed to be heading for disaster until a late goal saved the day.这支球队似乎就要陷入绝境,直到后来凭借一颗进球才扭转败局。Memory can be profoundly shaped by subsequent experience.记忆会受到后来经历的深刻影响。These measures may save money in the short term, but we'll end up spending more later.这些措施在短期内可能会省钱,但是到后来反而会花费更多。She has narrowed down the choice of dresses to three or four fashionable ones.挑选到后来她已集中在三四套新式服装上。




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