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词汇 到处
例句 Everywhere in Beverly Hills is expensive.贝弗利山庄到处都很贵。The story is being whispered everywhere.这件事正在到处暗暗传说。The snow lay in deep drifts.到处是风吹起来的厚厚的雪堆。My little brother's been following me around all day.我的弟弟整天到处跟着我。I've lost my keys. I can't find them anywhere.我的钥匙丢了,到处都找不着。The centre of the city is full of tiny intersecting alleyways.市中心到处是纵横交错的小巷道。The balloons were hung here and there.到处挂着气球。It was so quiet everywhere that they could hear the boy's sniffles.到处都很安静,以致他们听得见这男孩用鼻子吸气的声音。I've looked everywhere but I can't find the map.到处都找过了,但就是找不到地图。He flashed around with his new watch.他戴着新手表到处炫耀。It's too cold to schlepp around looking at property.天太冷,不适合到处去看房子。My grandmother thought I was disgracing myself, following Tim around like a love-sick puppy.我祖母觉得我这样很丢人,到处跟着蒂姆,就像一条怀春的小狗。My aunt hove into sight peering about as if searching for something or someone.我的姑姑出现了,眯着眼睛到处看,好像在找什么东西或什么人。Be careful, New York is full of slick flimflam men.小心,纽约市到处充满狡猾诡诈之人。Fireworks were going off all over the city.城里到处在燃放烟花。Something must be going on - the streets are swarming with police.肯定发生了什么事情——街上到处是警察。Dinner at our house is like feeding time at the zoo!我们家吃晚饭时就像动物园里喂食时一样到处闹哄哄的。As a young man, he was always on the move.作为一个年轻人,他总是到处奔波。Smoking was forbidden everywhere.到处都禁止吸烟。It is natural that superstition should prevail everywhere in barbarous ages.在荒蛮年代,迷信的到处盛行是很自然的。So you're going to have a look round?那么你打算到处看看?His secretary started calling around to find out where the commission was meeting.他的秘书开始到处打电话,想找出委员会在哪里开会。I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find it.到处都找了,就是找不到它。You can see little blooms here and there.到处都能看到小花儿。There have been lots of stories going round, but I don't believe any of them.到处风传着许多谣言,但我一点也不相信。Bullets were flying all over the place.子弹到处乱飞。Flags have been flying at half-mast, and schools, offices, and businesses have been closed.到处都降半旗,学校、政府部门和企业也都关了门。Her garden is full of perennials.她的花园里到处是多年生植物。The election ended in controversy, with allegations of widespread vote-rigging.选举带着争议结束了,有人称到处存在操纵选票的现象。She's campaigning hard to raise money and win votes.她正在为筹款和拉选票而到处活动。He took me to a bar full of actor types trying to get noticed.他带我去了一个酒吧,那里到处是演员一类的人,希望能引起他们的注意。The seashore was covered with shells.海滩上到处是贝壳。There were books scattered all about their cottage.他们的小屋里到处都散放着书。In the fall, the woods are full of countless shades of brown, yellow and orange.秋天,树林里到处是深浅不一的褐色、黄色和橙色,多得无穷无尽。The school sports field swarmed with clean-limbed young people eager for the day's events.学校操场上到处是健康活泼的年轻人,都热切期盼着当天的活动。There were dead mice and rats all over the room.房间里到处是大大小小的死老鼠。I hate all this travel; I want to get married and settle down.我厌恶这种到处奔波的生活;我要结婚,过安定的生活。You have to move around a lot in this job.干这份工作,你得到处奔波。 Strip malls were springing up all over town, and the local residents were up in arms.镇上突然到处出现了一排排商店,当地居民非常愤怒。Girls in bathing suits were draped all over the decks.甲板上到处躺着舒展着四肢的泳装姑娘。




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