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The kids were running around, working off their surplus energy.孩子们到处乱跑,消耗着过剩的精力。The dog, an ungainly mongrel pup, was loping about the road.那只丑陋的杂种幼犬在马路上到处乱跑。Children were rushing around madly all over the place.孩子们发疯似地到处乱跑。The dogs ran free around the farm.狗儿在农场到处乱跑。Farmers were encouraged to keep their livestock in pens rather than letting them roam freely.鼓励农民们把家畜关进栏圈,而不是让它们到处乱跑。The dog ran loose on the street.这狗在街上到处乱跑。The dog was rushing around excitedly, sniffing at the ground.那条狗兴奋得到处乱跑,在地上嗅来嗅去。The dog, an ungainly mongrel pup, was loping about the road.那只难看的小杂种狗正在马路上到处乱跑。Stop chasing about and sit down.别到处乱跑,坐下来。People were running all over the joint. 人们到处乱跑。The dog ran loose on the street.这狗在街上无拘无束的到处乱跑。The kids are bouncing off the walls. 孩子们蹦蹦跳跳,到处乱跑。Don't let the dogs run free.别让狗到处乱跑。You don't want to let Oliver loose in the kitchen.你不想让奥利弗在厨房里到处乱跑吧。The problem lies with adults who let them roam about and do what they like.问题在于大人,他们让小孩到处乱跑,为所欲为。 |