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词汇 Hollywood
例句 When her family moved to Hollywood, she developed a liking for movie magazines and film culture.自从她家搬到好莱坞之后,她渐渐爱上了电影杂志和电影文化。The Hollywood stars signed a prenuptial agreement before marrying last year.这两位好莱坞明星去年结婚前签订了一项婚前协议。She commands one of the highest fees per film in Hollywood.她是好莱坞片酬最高的演员之一。She is one of the most capable and versatile actresses in Hollywood.她是好莱坞最能干且多才多艺的演员之一。He became a successful screenwriter in Hollywood.他成了好莱坞一名成功的编剧。The macho cop of Hollywood movies has become a cliché.好莱坞影片中的硬汉警察形象已经很老套了。He gave up screenwriting in Hollywood.他放弃了好莱坞的编剧工作。She was the romantic lead in a major Hollywood movie.她是一部好莱坞大片中浪漫女主角的扮演者。He teased me mercilessly about going Hollywood.他毫不留情地嘲笑我想去好莱坞。This hair style was brought into vogue by Hollywood stars.这种发型是因好莱坞的明星们而时髦起来的。She's considered one of the best young directors in Hollywood.她被认为是好莱坞最优秀的年轻导演之一。For several years they lived the high life with Hollywood stars and celebrities.他们过了好几年优裕的生活,往来的都是好莱坞的明星和名流。This is a textbook example of how Hollywood undermines its best ideas, by insisting on happy endings, even when they are completely implausible.尽管情节完全不合理但仍然坚持大团圆的结尾,这是好莱坞如何毁掉精彩构思的一个典型例子。Hollywood films are popular the world over.好莱坞电影在世界各国都很受欢迎。There's a world of difference between an amateur video and a slick Hollywood production.业余制作的录像短片与好莱坞制作精湛的电影作品有天壤之别。While you're in Hollywood, you might catch a glimpse of some movie stars.在好莱坞有可能一睹某些电影明星的风采。He likes to put the girls on by saying he is from Hollywood.他喜欢作弄那些女孩说他来自好莱坞。He is beyond all dispute the finest actor in Hollywood today.无可置疑,他是当今好莱坞最好的演员。Hollywood movies were seen as an opiate for the people.好莱坞影片被看作是人民的精神鸦片。Everyone wants to make it big in Hollywood these days.现在谁都想在好莱坞大获成功。Like most Hollywood movies it was so hyped up that when I saw it I was completely disappointed.和多数好莱坞影片一样,这部电影也被大肆炒作,所以我看后觉得彻底失望。Downtime in Hollywood can cost a lot of money.在好莱坞停工会损失许多钱。He is still glorying in the success of his first Hollywood film.他仍然陶醉于他的第一部好莱坞电影所取得的成功中。He teased me mercilessly about going to Hollywood.他毫不留情地取笑我去好莱坞的事。Tom Cruise is Hollywood's blue-eyed boy at the moment.眼下汤姆·克鲁斯是好莱坞的宠儿。Hollywood films misrepresented us as terrorists and drunks.好莱坞影片把我们歪曲成恐怖分子和酒鬼。Most other cities cannot rival Hollywood for glamour.大部分城市的魅力都难与好莱坞相匹敌。Theirs was the most storied romance in Hollywood.他们的恋情是好莱坞流传最广的一段佳话。Thanks in part to her performance in that movie role, she became one of the most popular actresses in Hollywood.她在那部影片中的表演在某种程度上使她成为好莱坞最受欢迎的女演员之一。For our clothes, we went to a shop on Hollywood Boulevard, and we just picked it all off the rack.至于衣服,我们到好莱坞大道上的一家商店里,都是直接挑现成的买。The Hollywood actress talked about her role as a UN goodwill ambassador.这位好莱坞女星谈起了自己担任联合国亲善大使的经历。Eddie Murphy is one of Hollywood's most successful stars.埃迪·墨菲是好莱坞最成功的影星之一。Hollywood stars reveal their beauty secrets in next month's edition.好莱坞明星在下月的杂志中透露她们的美容秘诀。Botox is now the drug of choice in Hollywood.肉毒注射目前是好莱坞的首选药物。The film hilariously sends up Hollywood disaster movies.这部电影把好莱坞的灾难片令人捧腹地嘲弄了一番。Julia Roberts is one of the most famous actresses in Hollywood.朱莉娅·罗伯茨是好莱坞最出名的女演员之一。I was weaned on a diet of Hollywood fantasy.我自幼深受好莱坞梦的影响。Women film directors in Hollywood are a rare species.女性电影导演在好莱坞属于稀有物种。There's a big difference between an amateur video and a slick Hollywood production.业余人士拍摄的视频片段和制作精良的好莱坞影片之间存在着巨大差距。The hotel's clientele includes diplomats and Hollywood celebrities.这家酒店的顾客有外交官和好莱坞名人。




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